Original Post
[Event] Best Rapper Alive

There can only be one.

Make a rap at least 20 lines long, about anything. It cannot be stolen, it must be made just for this purpose.
If it doesn't make sense, it has no chance of winning.
Only one winner will be chosen.
You can only submit one rap.


A random item and 10k and a gangsta head

July 3rd

Be the best, or go down like the rest.
Good luck
Last edited by mWah; Jul 1, 2010 at 09:23 PM.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
Just open your eyes,
And realize,
These real lies,
From tragic eyes,
Against smoke filled skies,
Where bravery has died,
Where fear was cried,
It hurts inside,
Breathing Cyanide,
This sweet suicide,
I must confide,
I promise I tried,
Though I must decide,
To be by your side,
Though you step aside,
Blissfully Dignified,
You were un-denied,
Hence death implied,
Your actions misguide,
It was unverified,
Though pain does not subside,
Breathing Cyanide,
O' This sweet suicide.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
Everyone, DONT take this personal, im just a bit crazy. I love you all.

alright stop the beat, i got something to say/
I google'd on Hampa and got proof thats he's gay/
Tagknife, nice try stealing others shit/
altho Slycooper you were critically hit/
rapping about toribash and TF2/
Saying your a gangsta and that uke is blue/
in the same text, damn, your not a gangsta your a fake/
just looking at your "rap" gives me an headache/
davidbash, whats your problem, just keep playing THE GAME/
spamming 4chan phrases, omg you are lame/
Hellobob, you just repeated what Mwah said/
just quit the rap and go fap instead/
Jets, i kinda liked your rap it was smooth like sand/
altho rough words, lets hope you dont get B&/
EtheralDemise, or E.D for short/
... you just suck, your mom should've done abort/
pika pika, your a pokemon, not an MC/
if i should say "Get lost" people here should agree/
srsly, fuck you all, noone here is a gangsta/
closest is steve, he is a banksta/
This is Sangetsu speaking/
Dont stand close to me bitch, you're reeking/
Thanks for you time, i bet you only read the half/
Well, atleast im signing off with a laugh.

"The best fighter is not a Boxer, Karate or Judo man. The best fighter is someone who can adapt on any style" - Bruce Lee
I'm focused
Dead up
Don't get up, or never let up
I'm fed up
Dismissing the competition
it's hopless,
I'll trash their ambition
Ya'll want a class on tradition
On one condition
Forget the best of the century
Ya'll talk about the best of all-time
you better mention me
Essentially, I'm the best there's ever gonna be
I hold my ground
You'll never take it from under me
And up under me, it's gonna be trouble
Hit you so many times,
you see triple and double,
instead of one of me
I got more heart, more ways
to tear you, apart
Lay you down early on
Or maybe in the later round
It's no different to me
You tap out, cash out,
or simply pass out, to breathe
Cause you face down... really
And barely alive, cause I'm an animal inside
Hear me

I'm what the game is supposed to be
Hopefully, you see what I mean
Knock you out, haven't seen
You were beaten by a triple team
Box you out, the whole scene and gleam
The limelight's my dream, I shine bright
Smash you! Front to back,
You gon' need hindsight
In fact, when I attack
You lucky if I leave you intact
I'm prone to overkill
Work you over, til' I steal your motorskills
It's the same whenever I'm done
Your numb toe to thumb
and most can't remember their names
or where they're from
And some speechless, stunned, lookin' deaf and dumb
You're weak like 7 days
Then afraid, I'm amazed ya'll still step up
'Cause I hit more men than Jenna Jameson in better days
Can't clear your heads, you wanted Jenna Haze

You want the man, you got him
And you can spot him, every Thursday night on TNA
It's like a spotlight, and main events in his DNA
"Who you say?" It's Kurt Angle
Beneath you'll settle,
The best in the world
Only guy in the sport with a gold medal
Future fold ends to the center
Physical and mental
Cause he's simply better
Quit playing around with those second attacks
He'll lay you down for a three second nap on the mat,
If staring at the ceiling on your back is appealing
Get yourself a match and you gon' do that
It's a rap, you're trapped in the game
You a rat in a maze
Just amazed how I made my name,
My fame is a runaway train on the tracks
I fight like my life's on the line everynight, in fact
That's why I'm gonna take that strap.

All of the entries are great so far.
Since I'm a judge, I'm just going to point out that I enjoy reading raps where the rhyme is the same for a while and then changes once or twice in 20 lines.
Here's an example of what I mean.

Yo they call me the hiphopopotamus
I got clothes that glow like phosphorus
Poppin' off of the top 'o' this
I'm not a water-dwelling mammal that moved from Africa to the metropolis
Where'd you get that preposterous hypothesis?

I'd enjoy that rather than something like....

Yo I have really long jeans
They sag below my knees
I'm using this as an example
You can call it just a sample if you want.
This is the regular forum font.
Penis rhymes with venus.
Uranus can mean buttocks.
I don't know what rhymes with buttocks.

I hope that I got my point across.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
People might look down apon me
but they dont see what i see
when you lived what ive been through
you could barely afford a shoe
Growing up with a mom addicted to ice
In a house infested with mice
Dad ran away
never to see the day
of when i rise above the clouds
and speak in front of crowds
I felt like an outcast
but this is only my past
now i live in a world of crime
these are bad times
so much death and hate
is this my fate?
I can only pray
to see the day
when it gets in your face
that this place
is a tragic mess
like a game of chess
we only live out the lives of pons
we find bodies on peoples lawns
we can only hope
that we are not running to the end of are rope
the time has come to step up
to empty your cup
to speak for each other
to help one another
we must help this world that is becoming old
to not become so cold
I will devastate your pooder.
Heres my reply to what sangetsu wrote:

I got somethin to say to you,
When you diss en masse,
youre bound to suck ass,
Two lines per player,
This aint a fucking drive thru,
Its obvious that rapping's just a joke to you,
Im on the penthouse, youre stuck in lower class,
You gotta know that youre a motherfucking dumbass,
cant really be that bright,
I mean, you couldnt even spell my fucking name right,
You know that your raps sound fucking lame, right?
Haha, why cant you just be polite?
Everyone knows youre all bark no bite,
But now youve gone and caused a fight,
Its gettin late, I guess ill just say goodnight.*
Ethereal Demise means otherworldly death. Just so you know.
Originally Posted by MIMZ360 View Post
I'm focused
Dead up
Don't get up, or never let up
I'm fed up
Dismissing the competition
it's hopless,
I'll trash their ambition
Ya'll want a class on tradition
On one condition
Forget the best of the century
Ya'll talk about the best of all-time
you better mention me
Essentially, I'm the best there's ever gonna be
I hold my ground
You'll never take it from under me
And up under me, it's gonna be trouble
Hit you so many times,
you see triple and double,
instead of one of me
I got more heart, more ways
to tear you, apart
Lay you down early on
Or maybe in the later round
It's no different to me
You tap out, cash out,
or simply pass out, to breathe
Cause you face down... really
And barely alive, cause I'm an animal inside
Hear me

I'm what the game is supposed to be
Hopefully, you see what I mean
Knock you out, haven't seen
You were beaten by a triple team
Box you out, the whole scene and gleam
The limelight's my dream, I shine bright
Smash you! Front to back,
You gon' need hindsight
In fact, when I attack
You lucky if I leave you intact
I'm prone to overkill
Work you over, til' I steal your motorskills
It's the same whenever I'm done
Your numb toe to thumb
and most can't remember their names
or where they're from
And some speechless, stunned, lookin' deaf and dumb
You're weak like 7 days
Then afraid, I'm amazed ya'll still step up
'Cause I hit more men than Jenna Jameson in better days
Can't clear your heads, you wanted Jenna Haze

You want the man, you got him
And you can spot him, every Thursday night on TNA
It's like a spotlight, and main events in his DNA
"Who you say?" It's Kurt Angle
Beneath you'll settle,
The best in the world
Only guy in the sport with a gold medal
Future fold ends to the center
Physical and mental
Cause he's simply better
Quit playing around with those second attacks
He'll lay you down for a three second nap on the mat,
If staring at the ceiling on your back is appealing
Get yourself a match and you gon' do that
It's a rap, you're trapped in the game
You a rat in a maze
Just amazed how I made my name,
My fame is a runaway train on the tracks
I fight like my life's on the line everynight, in fact
That's why I'm gonna take that strap.

-rep for plagiarism
I will devastate your pooder.
Originally Posted by EtherealDemise View Post
Heres my reply to what sangetsu wrote:

I got somethin to say to you,
When you diss en masse,
youre bound to suck ass,
Two lines per player,
This aint a fucking drive thru,
Its obvious that rapping's just a joke to you,
Im on the penthouse, youre stuck in lower class,
You gotta know that youre a motherfucking dumbass,
cant really be that bright,
I mean, you couldnt even spell my fucking name right,
You know that your raps sound fucking lame, right?
Haha, why cant you just be polite?
Everyone knows youre all bark no bite,
But now youve gone and caused a fight,
Its gettin late, I guess ill just say goodnight.*

please shut up if you are so kind/
or else i will bust a rap that blows your mind/
two lines per player is more than fucking enough/
i rap better than you even when i cough/
dissing me saying im dumb and not bright/
still your the one in the shadow when get the spotlight/
why do you even bother answer foo'/
when im done with you you'll be retarded as winnie-the-pooh/
its supposed to be "all bark AND no bite"/
Who where you saying isnt that bright?
Dude a protip try to spell correct/
if you are going to diss my intellect/
This is it for today, its 06: 30 in the morning/
dont try to answer, take this as a warning./
Last edited by Sangetsu; Jul 2, 2010 at 06:32 AM.
"I've seen enough rule number 34 to burn down a large catholic school" - Bish
I got one more response, then Im calling it quits,
One more try to leave you in spasming fits,
You do know the definition of rhythm, right?
Its the bread and butter of every single rap fight,
Thats why i said all bark no bite,
I was trying to be concise,
Hitting you up with a rhythm that was nice
But I guess short and sweet just didn't do it for you,
You had to go and use winnie-the-pooh,
What the fuck is this, a kid's contest?
I guess I should bring my blankie, let it do the rest,
Then you go on and say Im not too bright,
You DO know what my name means, right?
Bet you just had to look at my sig,
Am I speakin a language you can dig?
Your lexicon is small,
Mine could challenge em all,
You ain't no sesquipedallion,
Lookin at them words like theyre alien,
So next time,
Before you spin another rhyme,
Just remember EtherealDemise,
Words so big they'll destroy your eyes.
Ethereal Demise means otherworldly death. Just so you know.