Since you're an alt account of a member I don't see why not. Though the suggestions thread isn't the best place to ask.
Hey Castra change the green belt rule in the "Application thread".We're an official clan and recruiting green and higher you must make it atleast Blackbelt and above.I hope you change it.
Originally Posted by Hisho9 View Post
Hey Castra change the green belt rule in the "Application thread".We're an official clan and recruiting green and higher you must make it atleast Blackbelt and above.I hope you change it.

omg just about to post this

but I got ninja'd

but yeah The more blackbelt the better

and kinda think of it
I think its also awesome if we merge with a clan
who agrees with me?
I disagree, why merge with another clan?

We have built ourself up this far, we need to keep going and get recognized as one of the best and generous clans.
If we merged, other members from the merged could ruin our goals to be respected and known as decent and nice tori-bashians.
| tom |
Ok, seeing as were a growing clan.

I think we should have an offical discussion thread.
I would like to have some votes on yes/no.
Many clans have one, other than ares.