Originally Posted by SmileyJones View Post
His posts are pretty lulzy, something about 10,000 cocks in his asshole. Anyway happy new year, good luck in finding electronic respect and lurve.

*goes to search them up*

Why is this thread so large anyway? I for one don't know this guy at all, and I'm guessing at least 4/5 of everyone else doesn't either.
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Originally Posted by Gostonsol View Post
I am not treated fairly in this community, therefore I decided to stop becoming a member of this community.

I am not selling my account because nobody needs it and if they did then they dont deserve it.

Bye and consider how you treat people in future.

Wow, that`s a pretty poor reason to leave.
I mean, not everyone is going to treat you like you were born 3 minutes ago.
Probably, your just doing the thing most people are dong right now.
Gman80, Nuthug, Rutz, ect.
Bye anyways.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by DarkJak View Post
*goes to search them up*

Why is this thread so large anyway? I for one don't know this guy at all, and I'm guessing at least 4/5 of everyone else doesn't either.

well that wuld be because ppl dont want ppl to leave this epic game and tht means cya l8r

2nd black belt
Originally Posted by HARDYDX View Post
well that wuld be because ppl dont want ppl to leave this epic game and tht means cya l8r

Not if this person isn`t known AT ALL.
And has only what, 2 friends?
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Bye bye sensative woman.if your going to quit because you got trolled your sad.well bye GL not coming back to tb.we all know you will.xD
Last edited by MrHappy59; Jan 2, 2010 at 03:25 AM. Reason: grammer errors
its sounds like your trying to teach people a lesson by leaving, but the truth is your just making yourself look bad by leaving just cuz you were "mistreated"
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