Remember to post here when you can and put something in your sig to show you are in this clan.

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
Done and Done.
Ideas to add:

To application format:
Why you'd like to join
Why we should let you in
Picture of tori

I'm getting a banner made atm.

Clan aim.

Thats it for now.
zinx i'm sorry but your kicked if you want to find out why it's because you stole that replay from killer and there is proof.

sorry i just dont want bad rep like that in this clan.

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
Real name: Taiwan

Current QI: Some were in the 500s if i remember correctly.

Skills(Replay making, art): I can make videos.

Age: 16

GMT: Unknown at the moment.

Why you want to join: Because i was invited.

Previous clans: None on this account, except this one.

50 words about yourself(Required):
Ive played with you for years Ownage, you know me, so how about one big word:
[TBO]Member and Pround Member of [s]
It's about time you posted the app.

It's not that nice but it's kay since you didn't even have to.

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
I know, I would done a nice and neat one to bore you with but I'm so lazy right now.
So want me to be on the look out for Potential members.?
[TBO]Member and Pround Member of [s]
Haha so true, but we need quality not quantity lol. Ill keep an eye open for talent. =]
[TBO]Member and Pround Member of [s]
So Tyler recruited me in the wushu servers, he said I still have to fill in the application.

Real name: Michael
Current QI:
Skills(Replay making, art): uhh, Pixelling, Sets, .. other shit.
Age: 14
GMT: -06:00 Central Time (US/CAN)
Why you want to join: Tyler was asking me to join.
Previous clans: Scream, TAG, Dark (for a short time)
50 words about yourself(Required): uh, what? Well, Its hard for me to describe myself really. Just the typical bullshit High-school kid that gets picked on too much in real life, just another user on the internet though.