Originally Posted by xxxjhjxxx View Post
Uke does.
Just count all the times you lost vs him.

Originally Posted by Xtreme View Post
Lol yeah u know how much tc uke been making.
he like made many duplicates of hisself and saves his tc up.
thats like what 1-2 mil tc a day.
i say Uke.

Originally Posted by xxxjhjxxx View Post
Finally someone with a brain.

Y'don't get toricredits in SP.
Your Toricredits: 1,284,398

now somebody invite me to the millionaires club >:l
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
lol yeah lame...
but like i have heard before: "RICH B******S"

i have like... 2k... >.>Uu yeah.. i suck... i need booster U_U but OH SURPRISE! Mexico isnt supported to buy boosters! i want boosters! D:<


umm no... wrong... well... o_o i would like that mexico was supported so i can buy tc by mobile :3