Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Yeah, I mainly go for house or am drum and bass, but its tricky cause I've had to teach myself, and sometimes Il kick out a song that I think sounds cool while in production and then It sounds shit! Id upload some of my music, but you cant upload Mp3's sadly.
Originally Posted by Jonggi View Post
I play metal, but not death metal

ah, you play black metal then

helucinate, you know about rapidshae, megaupload, etc. , right?
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
nope... haha, what are they/ is that?
ok heres the link.
Its not my favorite song but its pretty decent.
Last edited by Helucinate; Jan 10, 2010 at 05:02 PM.
Off one of my first posts... if looking for "Sneaker Pimps", be sure you look at their two periods. their first featured the singe Keli Ali, she then left so they coulld escape the trip-hop tag, their lead musician then took over singing(Chris Corner)... the band however still falls under the trip-hop genre. but the sound is quite different.

With Radiohead from albums "Pablo Honey", "The Bends", and "Amnesiac" are more rock based, their following albums: "Ok Computer", "Kid A", and "Hail to the thief" are more electronicaly based, that is not to say that they changed their core sound but it is different...then came "In Rainbows" which seems to me to have a bit of both...
I made a friggin awesome tune. Although it sounds ass becouse it was made with some lame free program. Instuments don't sound very good.
I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black