but you just posted in here :P

Don't make me remove you from the roster
I will do it
Last edited by Stellar; Nov 30, 2009 at 06:36 AM. Reason: I can
Originally Posted by MOBI View Post
And WarMedic, RocYaJaw, Macshiz, and Noomy are kinda inactive...

Not inactive.

Don't go on forums much because they are boring.

I play in-game all the time as stellar knows, but Australia's time compared to the world is a bitch.

Thats probably the same reasoning behind macshiz to. Ive seen him post on the art threads.
Alright fine, Let me go remove veilar, noomy, and stellargod from the members list. brb.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi
I'm here to post my resignation.

I'm going to join a clan called "Doxa" because i have lots of friends there. (Not saying i have none here) but anyway, thank you all for the lovely stay at 42 and i will miss the good times we had.

I will miss:

And of course mobi
and everyone else i used to hang out with.

Anyway, cya guys, and good luck with the clan! hope we can all be friends
Last edited by noomy; Dec 3, 2009 at 06:46 AM.