Wtf you mean and? i might be able to edit the fucking letting you guys know that i can edit if you need me (and showing you) so yeah stfu
Originally Posted by RaiiN View Post
Wtf you mean and? i might be able to edit the fucking letting you guys know that i can edit if you need me (and showing you) so yeah stfu

But unfortunately, it looks like they already have an editor.
Your superb editing skills will not be necessary.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
Originally Posted by RaiiN View Post
Wtf you mean and? i might be able to edit the fucking letting you guys know that i can edit if you need me (and showing you) so yeah stfu

Need help with anything? Have a question? PM me! I'll try my best to help you.
Originally Posted by RaiiN View Post
Wtf you mean and? i might be able to edit the fucking letting you guys know that i can edit if you need me (and showing you) so yeah stfu

why the hell did you rage at me?
So who is this guy? ^
[eVo]LtKenny- Huh... Cocks are fun to play with...
[eVo]LtKenny- If your name is Zackarie!
kntornsrin- Swing and a miss >.>
This notification has been posted by B0sS as he will bring some pwnage whenever he can find where he put the replays from his laptop to his computer. Patience will be grand.

Just outta curiosity, has a song been selected yet?
Last edited by B0sS; Oct 23, 2009 at 11:57 AM.
[21:47]<B0sS>Alphonse: FUCK YOU AND YOUR SIG
[21:48]=-=Alphonse was booted from #clandoxa by YOU (B0sS)