With all due respect, I do see Xenmas's point. Perhaps it's time to drop this whole thing, it's gone too far. KungFuJC, please change your avatar and let's forget about this whole thing, it's just getting stupid and giving us a bad name.
Quit, probably.

Edit: << check out my new epilepsy eyes.
Last edited by KungFuJC; Sep 1, 2009 at 11:28 PM.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
KK, maybe BirdFlu is right this gone too far...
But like KungFuJC said, he started the whole thing
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
Yeah, lets just drop it. Xenmas was wrong to come into OUR forum and say we're a joke, but it was childish of us to make the avatar's. The whole thing was fun, but now its over, whatever.
May I suggest that we remove Pandora from the enemies list. I spoke to one of their members ingame and he seems like a nice guy. He said the main reason we are on their enemies list is that there are some immature members in this clan who are giving it a bad rep, by flaming members of other clans ingame and being general fags, and I can believe it. He said that he will talk to their leader about removing us from their enemies list. From now on please be polite to Pandora members, or their may be some kicking...
Quit, probably.
Dude, the starter of all this confusion was Xenmas... he went to OUR forum to flame OUR clan and say they wanted to be OUR enemies...

So...i dont regret flaming Xenmas
Last edited by fcpavao; Sep 2, 2009 at 12:09 AM. Reason: We- He, DUHHHH
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
lol, iīm not thinking about it, honestly i don't give a fuck if they are our enemies or not...
But, as i said i donīt regret flaming Xenmas
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
Ok I think we have reached a conclusion. Pandora is no longer on our enemies list, but xenmas is blacklisted.
Quit, probably.