WooHoo! Good News guys, my work is postponed for a while (Good fortune favors the troubled it seems)

I won't be active as usually, but at least I'll be active.
GOING ON AN INDEFINITE HIATUS. I MAY do replays for the event. IF you want me to participate in that, and I would LOVE to.

Wheee hiatus ~

might leave toribash but not yet sure.
Last edited by Luminusian; Apr 10, 2011 at 07:23 AM.
yeah ok
Don't leave Lumie

I hope your indefinite hiatus is short. Also, yeah, we'd love for you to participate.
I sure hope it's long. I mean really long.

Have you guys decided who'll participate and what-not?

I recommend our name to be The Nomads. xD
yeah ok
Um, I'm guessing Akuma, you, and.........I guess Pixelman, seeing as ya'll are the only ones who posted.

also long?
Yeah uh
I'm leaving. Though not because I'm making another clan or anything.

I decided I need a break from Toribash. Keeps stressing me out for no reason.

I'll be back next August. Been nice knowing you all. Already PMed everyone I wanted to about this.

Wafflez is leader and Lumie is co-leader.

Last edited by Rayleigh; Apr 22, 2011 at 02:49 AM.
k, bye.

Just kidding here, ray, it really has been great, hope you have a good time in real life. See ya!
#Magnus - #Sigma
<~Rayleigh> Waffaway: Oh, and you decide the new third mod.

Yeah, so I choose tehpixelman since there's only 3 people not including Ray.