When I was about in grade 2 or 3 a kid tackled me from behind for no reason, I had been training in Kung Fu for a few years so on the ground I twisted and did an upwards palm strike to the solar plexus, kid went flying 3 feet in the air and he could barely breath. just about killed him. after that I went kinda crazy for a bit
Frogs never die.
No more people in my sig.
Bangin cho mumma

But, no really

Win I was 13 or 12 backhome me and a couple of cousins got jumped, like have you ever seen a stick thrown from near darkness perfectly into the spokes of a bike? Shit was real and it got real my cousin hit the pavement pretty hard nothing new so it wasn't a big deal, but there were like fucking 5 of them just being ass holes at 11 and were just having a good time playing Medal of Honor and got hungry and went to 711. Then stuff got bruising and bloody. No joke there was an 8 year old in the mix who looked 14, we came out with all of our stuff, but seeing so many people fight got my blood going.

Another time was us chillin in a park them some kids came actin like they own the god damn place no one won we just got hurt as rocks were thrown and heads into eletical boxes and tackling into wooden poles, it was stupid

If you didnt roll with people you got jumped, Late 90s and early 20s Saskatoon guys and let's not talk about the Moccasin Flats area in Winnipeg I think?
Last edited by T0ribush; Oct 17, 2014 at 02:05 AM.
When I go home with my motorcycle and goes over 100 mp/h on a curvy and downy bridge, man that was so fucking exciting
u wot m8
I get a big adrenaline rush when I play football, when im past half and im wide open and someone passes to me I get a burst of speed and book it to the end zone. FEELS SO AWESOME!
Frogs never die.
No more people in my sig.
I have 3 instances of major andrenaline rushes in my life, and because I could not decide which one to choose, I just dump them all here in the happening order.

while I were pretty young, my uncle owned micro car with those open motors where you can see all the moving parts like cogwheels and chains, and being stupid little boy I went and shoved my finger between 2 cogwheels when shit were running.

It did not help anything that we lived in the most seculed location and I had to wait 2 hours for ambulance, then another 2 to get to hospital, while cradling my hand when it were bleeding like pig in slaughterhouse. Now i'm half of finger short.

(For second instance, I propably should mention that I have slight case of snake phobia, nothing too big, I just utterly flip my shit when I see snakes that are not behind cases or something.)

When I were couple of years older, we decided to visit some known nature-themed locations in northern finland, including "hiidenkirnu", "kummakivi" and very old "settlement" of cabins, that were localy called as "The town of crazy man"

(for those interested in the story, it is group of 9 cabins, all build by only one man, and only one of those were used by the owner himself and rest were never used)

now when we were leaving it, while I were in mid-step, this one non-venomous viper decides to try EAT MY FUCKING FACE, so being the very definition of calm myself, I jumped backwards 4 meters, with one leg and while still going in forward momentum, and after that the thing decides to FOLLOW ME, so being too scared to even turn around, I ran backwards faster than I ever did.

luckily I survived.

3rd: You know that thing when you are falling asleep and you suddenly jerk fully awake?
that thing which is most likely followed with sudden muscle tension or swinging arms?

yeah, those are not so fun for us with insomnia, because we sometimes manage to go even deeper relaxation before falling asleep.

in my worst case, I had been awake for some time already, maybe around 30-40 hours, and were in desperate need for sleep, so I did all the tricks: tea, intense workout hours before time, being unactive for hour before sleep etc.
and were pretty close to fall asleep. Then it happened.

I kicked my legs out, broke my alarmclock and hit my head into wall, and my heart kept pounding like no tomorrow. I did not get my sleep that night.
was involved in a brawl at my school pretty recently, at least 30 people. i never knew fighting felt so good
I was being chased by a dog. I was running for a long time then when I ran out of air, it bit me D: good thing it didn't bite a vein.

Also, went to the hoospital afterwards.

Was fun.

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