JustinLol and Kusmi while I was thinking about what name to use permanently.

I made Kusmi just for lols till I found a good suitable name.
Gucci I didn't wait, I've been inactive for a while and the entire time since I left ct I've been clanless by choice, I was waiting til the clan was active again because the reason I left was inactivity in the clan.
Last edited by Aerotack; Jul 4, 2015 at 12:16 PM.
Originally Posted by Aerotack View Post
Gucci I didn't wait, I've been inactive for a while and the entire time since I left ct I've been clanless by choice, I was waiting til the clan was active again because the reason I left was inactivity in the clan.

I know I am not apart of the clan but if anything you just made your self look worse. Loyal members stick with the clan through the good times and the bad.

You stayed while the clan was active and running fine but as soon as activity dropped you left and now that it has become official here you are again wanting to be apart even though when the clan needed you to stay through rough times you left.

This is just what it looks like, and just my opinion.
Originally Posted by Neko View Post
I know I am not apart of the clan but if anything you just made your self look worse. Loyal members stick with the clan through the good times and the bad.

You stayed while the clan was active and running fine but as soon as activity dropped you left and now that it has become official here you are again wanting to be apart even though when the clan needed you to stay through rough times you left.

This is just what it looks like, and just my opinion.

I vote yes, he was against me in-game and could counter one of my moves, I liked his playstyle ALTHOUGH you need a lot of improvment (thats my opinion), I don't think we should accept only skilled players, but nice and friendly too, he was polite and mature in game - Even if you aren't skilled, if we do like you, you may have a place in our family.

My bottom line is I think we should give you a trial, fair enough - a week when we will test you out and see if you suitable or not.
ZØØK || 祖克
Originally Posted by Sweeni View Post
I vote yes, he was against me in-game and could counter one of my moves, I liked his playstyle ALTHOUGH you need a lot of improvment (thats my opinion), I don't think we should accept only skilled players, but nice and friendly too, he was polite and mature in game - Even if you aren't skilled, if we do like you, you may have a place in our family.

My bottom line is I think we should give you a trial, fair enough - a week when we will test you out and see if you suitable or not.

Yeah I also think we shouldn't take only skilled Players. I'd also like to give Neko a chance because I knew Kusmi ^^
I won Clan League 2016 #DidntEvenTry
Back at it again
To be honest with you guys, good and friendly is what we want. However, ask yourselves what our current goal is. Are we currently looking for family, or trying to win clan league.

Calamity and I shall discuss.

[JollyR] [Ct] |Event Squad| (Au) [xp]
Pill || Calamity || Dropkick || Jere
Originally Posted by Submerge View Post
To be honest with you guys, good and friendly is what we want. However, ask yourselves what our current goal is. Are we currently looking for family, or trying to win clan league.

Calamity and I shall discuss.


I'm aiming for skilled, mature, friendly and nice people in the clan.
If I see a guy who is acting like a 5 year old and playing like a legend I will NOT want him in the clan.
respect and behaviour is above all, in my opinion.
ZØØK || 祖克
Originally Posted by Sweeni View Post
I'm aiming for skilled, mature, friendly and nice people in the clan.
If I see a guy who is acting like a 5 year old and playing like a legend I will NOT want him in the clan.
respect and behaviour is above all, in my opinion.

Question, would you accept a really really friendly and mature player that sucks ingame?
I would.
I won Clan League 2016 #DidntEvenTry
Back at it again
This seems a lot to ask for, but can I be tested to see if I'm suitable for the clan. If yes, I'll reapply. If no, I'll wait a bit before I apply again.
(Leash)ApatheticP: plz dont use me
(Leash)KaZyDog: I only use attractive ppl dont worry about it
Originally Posted by ApatheticP View Post
This seems a lot to ask for, but can I be tested to see if I'm suitable for the clan. If yes, I'll reapply. If no, I'll wait a bit before I apply again.

Feel free to Fight me in abd whenever you want but we dont do ingame tests.
If you mean that with being tested.
I won Clan League 2016 #DidntEvenTry
Back at it again