Yeah tbash bby

Maybe one day you will be as good as flames.

Also itemp since you just got ur new comp if you don't get on I'll run you over
good god with the infractions of the century,any who if you need me ill be on a hiatus from tb for a few days imma take a break from gaming in general. so hmu on discord and Skype

fuck 12, free all my shootaz

Me and flames really wanted to revamp it in general and the old leader was fine so we were like yeah ok and bam here we are.
Have a good break Gabe, see ya in a few days.

Yeah basically as static and Charism said. Universe/Space/Elite and M0nsoom kinda abandon the org and went inactive so we started it up again. We had to make a new thread so we could edit it and such.

and bam here we are :^)
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
i ended going to a fucking waterpark and it was greatest thing ever that shit was fun af its good to get outside sometimes…… and good luck revamping and stuff and hope that art comes out good
fuck 12, free all my shootaz
I got cha! Sounds very good to me, lets rock dis }:}

Water Melon, Fire Melon, Earth Melon, Air Melon... The ELEMELONS!
forgot to say im back from my tiny lil break now less keep the train for TL ongoing my guys and gals
fuck 12, free all my shootaz