Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by fluffykat View Post
Hmmm -Rubs chin thoughtfully-
I agree that power can corrupt a person but I also believe if you're strong willed and able to be uninfluenced (except positively in a way to make you an even better person) by others besides yourself, power could be a good thing to have especially if it benefits the people around you
Like if I got into some sort of position of power, being that I always try to be positive and helpful, It'd be in my best intentions to do the world good. Plus it's always been one of my dreams to be a public speaker and to move people to be better
But yeah I wish I was in a position of power to be able to move and influence people to make the world a better place
Most people are weak minded and easily influenced in a negative way, therefore power would be a bad thing to most, but I guess I'm half an example because I don't know myself completely, but I don't know. My soul gem is not grief seed. -Carefully removes shirt to reveal another shirt with the words feminism- SCREAMS FEMINISM
So puff, you shouldn't be particularly angered by power, because it starts out as a neutral thing. It doesn't even completely mean being above somebody else, more on the lines that you are looked by a bunch of people who become influenced or affected by you.
You should be angered at the outside forces that add up to corrupt it and make it a horrible thing.

Yeah, it's been a while so I'll readdress this. Power is not the thing to be hating. In fact, nothing is worth hating. If we hate something I feel we are just ignorant of it. except if it's a real thing that is purely negative. But even in that situation I feel like we can just avoid rather then use part of our emotion reacting to it and then leaving it as something that we are insecure about. Oh yeah, power. I think that the more power you're in, the more potantial you have to misuse it, and it's not necessarily that you've done a bad thing, but there is always someone that opposes what you've done. The more power you have, the more people you affect I guess. That's not always true, but in politics it seems to be. What demonstrates what I'm saying the best is if we had a dictator that just happened to make all the right decisions, he would still be pissing off a huge amount of people. No one can up and say, "Pollution is bad for the environment, I'm shutting down all the [insert profitable businesses] because they create pollution" without annoying a lot of people.

I guess what I'm saying is that I agree with you, but all the people who aren't necessarily bad people can still be affected negatively by it no matter what. So having power, will always affect someone or something in a negative way. We should seek to maintain a power over ourselves and if we are willing to take the pressure of making decisions that affect others, if for the greater good, then I think that's good. I will vote for Fluffy for ruler of the world.

Originally Posted by Brubert View Post
I would like you to tell me why I can't think of any questions when asked to.
I can almost only ever think of something to ask people when I'm alone and not thinking about it.

Perhaps you don't like commands. Maybe your brain doesn't work well under limitations. I think that maybe there's so much potential in my answers that there is too much perssure to ask a really good question. It's alright I don't think I'm that good.

Originally Posted by Acavado View Post

What makes you angry?

As stated before, power no longer angers me.

I guess I could say that people who are unnurturing of others make me angry. We're like all teammates trying to figure out life, and when one person is just legitimately driving someone into a hole it makes me very angry. We should be supporting each other. We're all on the same side.

Originally Posted by Brubert View Post
For your next time: Do you believe an advanced enough AI could develop true emotions?

I've thought that now since humans emulate everything around them when they grow up and develop that perhaps a robot that is programmed to emulate perfectly all humans around them that they could definitely develop very real appearing emotions. The real question here is what is true. To the robots, sure those are true emotions that they have figured out. To us observing a robot, we might feel that as long as it's not human then they aren't feeling anything. So yeah. What is the more legitimate truth.

Originally Posted by dbuhos View Post
Yeah, you could have drunk blood for all we know.


Blood tastes pretty gross though, my only experience is a taste of a little cuts I've received. I watched a V sauce video about why humans do that. Something about our saliva doing something. Pfft, I'm probabaly wrong.

While this thread is hot, leak some of them questions out. I'll make sure to get around to them.
what's Puff's favourite band? What's Puff's life like lately? How's the weather in Australia? Are you drunk?

Is there ever a legitimate reason for political censorship? Do you tend to consider yourself a selfish person? And how do you define sanity?

what sorts of foods do you prefer
Last edited by Acavado; Sep 7, 2013 at 11:32 AM.
Originally Posted by Acavado View Post
what's Puff's favourite band? What's Puff's life like lately? How's the weather in Australia? Are you drunk?

Is there ever a legitimate reason for political censorship? Do you tend to consider yourself a selfish person? And how do you define sanity?

what sorts of foods do you prefer

Favourite band of all time. That is a hard one. People have their favourite band because it is what relates mostly to their life. If I was to objectively decide who was the most talented band of all time, I would say that maybe Jazz musicians were that category. I would say Miles Davis amybe was the best brain in music. I think jazz is the crazy

As for an "at the moment" band I would say that Tame Impala is my favourite. I relate to them because they are Australian and they like the same genre which they have contrubuted greatly to (Psychedelic rock).

Of all time sentimental I would probably say The Beatles, call me boring and cliche. I just think they're cool as shit. The things they have claimed in their mucsic, it can benefit humanity. Listen to Sgt Pepper's and not start to relate what they're saying to a deeper level than you usually allow things to relate to.

Lately I have been kicked out of home so I don't have much (happy) to say about what's going on. I have a nice place to stay so that's cool. Life continues to be an enigma to me, but I'd love to talk more about it. I have theories about it.

The weather! It rained a little bit while my friend and his girlfriend's sister was moving stuff out of their shed for me. Let me reinforce that, I'm living in someone's shed. It's a nice room, but I'm not sure how to interpret my life from someone more amazing than I's perspective.

There isn't a legitimate reason for political censorship in my mind. I feel that no one man can feel like information is for them and not for others. I also believe that we should not be in a cot (I grew up with cot being the name for a thing babies slept in) with some group of people feeding us what we are allowed to consume (knowledge or otherwise) and other things being beyond us and not for our puny minds to interpret. askejdfbawie3 I don't actually think this much about this, but I hope that we aren't actually in this situation. The cot may have become bigger but it may still be a cot. Or something.

I believe on some sub cscious level we all are selfish. We are all after all the main characters of our lives. And while we don't fully understand life, we are all relying on ourselves to drive us through it. Our loyatlty does lie with us and "we think, therefore, we are." While here, I love you guys and I adore the fact you have your own minds and they can at least communicate with me on some level. Pfffft I love you guys in general. I do prioritize myself first, but will not put someone else's pain ahead of something small on my part. I won't allow someone to be hurt because of something small.

I allow this to be something only I relate on. For startares the way I define reality is the way I allow the things my Mum to teach me.

If I a, wrongf, tell me, I am definitely drunk, asnd cal understand
I may be drunk, ahhhhh help
Last edited by Puffbunny; Nov 16, 2013 at 06:02 AM.
Drunk people are fun. Being drunk with drunk people is also fun. But im not sure which is better....
I am a Metal head. Problem? Yes? Please allow my to not give a crap and move on with my life :) \m/
Jesus, I actually got completely wasted. I'm honest that I remember starting this, but reading back, the last of it I cannot remember at all.

Haha, I start off all good grammar and somewhat coherent and by the end I'm stumbling talking about reality. A good night if you ask me.
Last edited by Puffbunny; Nov 16, 2013 at 06:04 AM.
It'll happen Brubs, I promise. I was sort of planning to to Russia recently and even decided to factor a trip to Sweden. Not sure how far that plan is going now though, I used to have a job.
Well if you find a source of income again, that sounds awesome :3
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
A special edition of Drunk Puff Answers Questions!

Drunk Puff Asks Questions:
What is the strangest thing you have done?

What is the strangest thing you have experienced?

What would be your peak experience in life?

Optional Questions:

What experience has affected you the most in life?

Out of 10, how do you rate yourself?
Um the strangest thing I've ever done hmmm
Haha what a question dude that's such a wide variety of things to think about but I'll just throw the first thing that comes to mind.
I guess when I cut myself? I don't know it was mostly for like trial? see what the fuck was so good about it/I was also at a peak of some sort of depression and sadness.
I've gone past that peak recently but I don't really do nothing about it.
Strangest thing I've experience would be back in the 6th grade where I awkwardly liked this girl and my young homosexual feelings were just rising up i don't fuckcin no
then I met her again in like 8th grade and it was really weird
I bet there's been stranger but I don't know I'm really tired and sad right now I can't really think too deeply
The peak experience would be finding true love but that involves me being a competent person haha and not fucking myself over every time I really like somebody by not even askin about things.......
Experience...lets see I guess just being on the internet in general.
Without u guys I know I'd be different than who I am.
I don't think it's possible to rate yourself because you never act the same in a given moment
my mindset and mood and emotions and feelings are always changing
at the moment I feel like a 0
but if I compare to the rest of the world, maybe a 7
Last edited by fluffykat; Dec 20, 2013 at 08:43 PM.