The first spar was largekilla and swexx, the last spar was thebeats and I. Hypersaint, the video seemed to be a little plain, one effect and some velocity change? But I'm not a judge.
Originally Posted by PR0NE View Post
The first spar was largekilla and swexx, the last spar was thebeats and I. Hypersaint, the video seemed to be a little plain, one effect and some velocity change? But I'm not a judge.

Ik ik, it wasn't very creative. And sorry if you took my first post wrong that I said your video felt lazy.
So deadline 24th is today. Meaning you still have THIS day to reach in your videos after that they will be judged! ;) Hope you all enjoy this event!
wow just wow
i didnt even finish the first half of it
:/ its hard to make a 2 min video in 1 week+no free time on my hands
well i dont think i am going to finish it so gg
INB4 14 days ban
Ok! Video entry deadline reached. Results will be discussed now!

The Videos have been discussed. And the 1st place goes to...
HAUNTER! Gratuliations Your 50k will be sent asap and the 5 ST will be sent soon enough too

Second place was chosen too...
congratulations PR0NE! Your 20k and Superfly relax will also be sent asap! ;)

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all for participating!

Since there were like 2 other videos and it seems like you guys tried to offer a realy good video and we also enjoyed it. Im not going to let you go with empty hands. Vampire Relax for Lotramus and Hypersaint!

Hope you enjoyed the Event guys!
Last edited by Cobra; Jan 25, 2015 at 07:56 PM.