Endurance Onslaught 6.0

<supastveo> What happened to the manly names
<supastveo> like cock grinder
<supastveo> or tickle nommy's prostate
<TengoMan_> Ruki owns these
<TengoMan_> Also
<TengoMan_> The replay's name explains it
<supastveo> pfporoijwoijr ruki?
<TengoMan_> Wtf ?
<supastveo> I've been around longer then him, ergo my word over rules him because I'm an egotistical asshole
<ruki4pillows> backstbbing nlgrs
<ruki4pillows> :c

there you go ruki
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
3 mins of glory !
[01:21] <Chucky> tengo are you clone
[01:21] <Noob> FUCK YOU WHORE
[01:21] <Noob> GET OUT
[01:21] <TengoMan> And it's still notnoob
[01:21] <Noob> STOP FOLLOWING ME
[01:21] <Noob> GOD
[01:21] <TengoMan> Who's clone ?
[01:22] <Chucky> not clone
[01:22] <Chucky> no
[01:22] <Chucky> newtengo
[01:22] <Noob> Oh god
[01:22] <TengoMan> Oh god
[01:22] <TengoMan> Chucky
[01:22] <Chucky> Lol what?
[01:22] <TengoMan> Do never say that again
[01:22] <Chucky> yeah
[01:22] == Muffindo [chatzilla@1337-E42E084A.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout]
[01:22] <Chucky> oh okay sorry he just tryed to say he was you ingame
[01:23] <TengoMan> Lol he says he's cooler than me xD
[01:23] == supastveo [webchat@1337-A4877735.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ormo
[01:23] <TengoMan> But he can't doubt himself LOL
[01:23] <Chucky> he's a fucking wanker
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
it happened ages ago, but I think its still nice(it doesnt contain the entire converstation just the important lines of it):

<GamerDaPro> fuck,
*** -VIPBot- Warning: You've triggered swearing protection, cussing is prohibited.
<GamerDaPro> upload it
<Noob> Litterally
<Noob> literally
<Noob> *
<&Nightin> i told you not to go for the pec
<GamerDaPro> fuck you vipbot Im a swearing faggot, deal with it
*** VIPBot kicked GamerDaPro from the channel: Bad word detected. (*FUCK*) :: [Tue Mar 8 20:36:35 2011] - Banned 0 minutes ·121·
*** GamerDaPro has joined #ormo
<&Nightin> fuck vipbot
<&Nightin> now you try it gamer
<GamerDaPro> ,,|,,
&Shook> VIPBot: fuck niggerdicks n shit yo
<Noob> Vip bot sucks cock
* GamerDaPro slaps VIPbot with a fag
<&Nightin> why would you slap him with a cigar?
<TengoMan> Motherfucking what ? a motherfucing VIPBOT appears !
<Noob> Nightin, I most likely have to extend my pec
<TengoMan> Inb4kick
<TengoMan> Ono ;)
*** Nightin kicked TengoMan from the channel: indurinkick
*** TengoMan has joined #ormo
<GamerDaPro> lol
<Noob> Because it will look more symetric
*** -VIPBot- Warning: You've triggered swearing protection, cussing is prohibited.
<Noob> I like my dms symetric
<GamerDaPro> FUCK YOU VIPbot
<GamerDaPro> lol
*** VIPBot kicked GamerDaPro from the channel: Bad word detected. (*FUCK*) :: [Tue Mar 8 20:40:09 2011] - Banned 0 minutes ·122·
*** #ormo No external channel messages (#ormo)
*** GamerDaPro has joined #ormo
<TengoMan> Lol a 0 min ban
<GamerDaPro> vipbot sux.
<GamerDaPro> yeah
*** Nightin sets mode -o VIPBot
<&Nightin> you're welcome
<&Shook> sushi-dick
<&Shook> uhh
<GamerDaPro> thanks.
<&Shook> yeah
<GamerDaPro> vipbot now cant fucking kick?
<Noob> Fuck
<&Nightin> nope
<GamerDaPro> okay. awesome.
<GamerDaPro> thanks
*** Nightin sets mode +v VIPBot
<&Nightin> he still cant kick btw
<GamerDaPro> umm, fuck?
<GamerDaPro> yeah.
*** Shook kicked GamerDaPro from the channel: Bad word detected. (*FUCK*) :: [Tue Mar 8 20:40:09 2011] - Banned 0 minutes ·122
*** #ormo No external channel messages (#ormo)
Lol Shook , you're awesome \:D/
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
lack of intelligence...

<&Shook> disgusting
<&Shook> that term is used so loosely nowadays
<&Shook> disgusting is the green snot you produce during a sinus infection
<&Shook> blech
<Nightin> thats not disgusting
<Nightin> thats lunch
<&Shook> your mother is disgusting
<Nightin> your disgusting
<&Shook> no u
<GamerDaPro> lol
<Nightin> you're face is intricately disgusting
<%Marco> i went swimming in the black sea last year
<%Marco> it stole my trunks
<%Marco> hoihoihoi
<Nightin> hahah
<%Marco> you're face
<%Marco> ???????
<Nightin> he's face
<GamerDaPro> gayz, this goes to the irc thread....
<&Shook> youre mother
<GamerDaPro> youre shook.
<&Shook> youre mother
<%Marco> this joke can never possibly get old
<GamerDaPro> shook is worse than mother.
<&Shook> youre
<&Shook> mother
<GamerDaPro> .
pro-tip: #ormo is about the least serious of all irc channels

everything that seems idiotic is to be taken with not a grain but a HUGE BARREL of salt
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol