we hw finaly reached the point of no return
hazelbud are now in charge here
omega will finaly rise again

the last men standing are our best !
[WAPOW] ", Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"
Yesss !!
I can now modreate the forum, AND invite people !
[WAPOW] ", Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"
im still reading to get the owerview, I want to change the recruiting rules so we can start following them stricktly. Allso want to change the ranking system and make a texture collection for members to use.
we start soon, pm me if u got sugghestions !
[WAPOW] ", Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"
Yeah goodluck, sorry for leaving and all, I am very impatient >_>
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?
im very patiant, thnx u both !
this gona work out, im allso patient wt our few members now BUT will be a hard recruiter. Levels must up Æ=
[WAPOW] ", Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"
Necar dude, wht u think of the recruitment situation.
I want to
1: get more members
2: get members that contributes and stays in the clan

So, Im afraid to let people in that doesnt read the rules and dont answer questions.

I want to be real strict on thees things, but then if ppl are answering the questions and works a bit on the apply Im open for letting young/lowbelt/newbies in as well.

wt u say, be strict ore let them all in ?
[WAPOW] ", Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"