Endurance Onslaught 6.0
does it stop?you must be clicking a button when its loading servers.you should wait for the whole thing to download or it must be the type of computer you use.if it stops,you should not be alert.if it does not stop,reset your computer and try again.make sure the computer is not taking too much graphic.set graphics tolow and try again if none of this works.
Originally Posted by chimaria View Post
anyone know when the fix is coming? If not, anyone know if its almost here?

It's not for us to fix, it's an Intel issue. Good news is that Windows 8 drivers are confirmed as working, bad news is that means it's unlikely that they'll bother fixing it for older OS'.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Keep trying, it can be fixed just no one's been nice enough to provide exact info on how they did it yet. Would be nice to know for the FAQ etc.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
My crash log:

toribash caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
in module ig4icd32.dll at 0023:0afd444e.

Error occurred at 11/9/2012 19:29:44.
Hgry\Toribash-4.2\toribash.exe, run by AdmKasia.
Operating system: Windows 7 (6.1.7601).
4 processor(s), type 586.
49% memory in use.
4011 MBytes physical memory.
2038 MBytes physical memory free.
4096+ MBytes paging file.
4096+ MBytes paging file free.
2048 MBytes user address space.
1449 MBytes user address space free.
Read from location 01ec1014 caused an access violation.

EDI: 0x02153a04 ESI: 0x0a2993a8 EAX: 0x01ec1034
EBX: 0x1b535260 ECX: 0x01ec0fd4 EDX: 0x01ec1014
EIP: 0x0afd444e EBP: 0x01ebfc24 SegCs: 0x00000023
EFlags: 0x00010206 ESP: 0x01ebfb70 SegSs: 0x0000002b

Bytes at CS:EIP:
0f 12 12 0f 16 10 0f 28 c8 0f c6 c2 dd 0f c6 ca

0x01ebfb70: 00000000 0214b91c 00080038 00003972 ........8...r9..
0x01ebfb80: 00000000 00000000 01ec1014 0000003f ............?...
0x01ebfb90: 000000f0 0000004c 01ec0ff4 1b96f600 ....L...........
0x01ebfba0: 01ec0fd4 1b9938c0 000000bf 0214b91c .....8..........
0x01ebfbb0: 44200000 44200000 44200000 44200000 .. D.. D.. D.. D
0x01ebfbc0: 43b40000 43b40000 43b40000 43b40000 ...C...C...C...C
0x01ebfbd0: 47416800 47416800 47416800 47416800 .hAG.hAG.hAG.hAG
0x01ebfbe0: 47428000 47428000 47428000 47428000 ..BG..BG..BG..BG
0x01ebfbf0: 3effffff 3effffff 3effffff 3effffff ...>...>...>...>
0x01ebfc00: 4104a60d 4104a60d 4107d261 4107d261 ...A...Aa..Aa..A
0x01ebfc10: 3effffff 3effffff 3effffff 3effffff ...>...>...>...>
0x01ebfc20: 000003c8 0214027f 0afbb512 00000000 ................
0x01ebfc30: 0214b91c 6bf41cb8 021531fc 0214007f .......k.1......
0x01ebfc40: 0214027f 0b07050f 00000084 0214b91c ................
0x01ebfc50: 0b07058a 6bf41b80 005a741c 6bf41de4 .......k.tZ....k
0x01ebfc60: 0b07096b 00000000 00000000 00424803 k............HB.
0x01ebfc70: 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 ................
0x01ebfc80: 0136c998 00000014 004257c3 00000001 ..6......WB.....
0x01ebfc90: 44308000 42700000 00000065 00000001 ..0D..pBe.......
0x01ebfca0: 00000001 0136c998 00ad83a0 00000062 ......6.....b...
0x01ebfcb0: 00000008 00000012 004258ad 00000001 .........XB.....
0x01ebfcc0: 44308000 42700000 0136c998 00000000 ..0D..pB..6.....
0x01ebfcd0: 00ad83a0 00423fdd 00000001 42700000 .....?B.......pB
0x01ebfce0: 0136c998 00000000 004af231 0136c998 ..6.....1.J...6.
0x01ebfcf0: 42700000 00000001 004b4176 00ad83a0 ..pB....vAK.....
0x01ebfd00: 00000001 00000002 004b5026 00ad83a0 ........&PK.....
0x01ebfd10: 00ae4e80 00ae27f8 00000000 00000000 .N...'..........
0x01ebfd20: 00ad83a0 ffffffff 004bc26f 00ae4e80 ........o.K..N..
0x01ebfd30: 00ae27f8 00000000 01ebfdcc 004226bb .'...........&B.
0x01ebfd40: 00000000 00000000 01ebfdcc 004a1faa ..............J.
0x01ebfd50: 00000500 000002d0 01ebfdcc 00000000 ................
0x01ebfd60: 004a2134 01ebfdcc 01ebfdcc 0000000c 4!J.............
0x01ebfd70: 014346a8 04abf828 01ebfdec 00558700 .FC.(.........U.
0x01ebfd80: ffffffff 00422713 01ebfdcc 004bc955 .....'B.....U.K.
0x01ebfd90: 00000001 01ebfebc 00000500 000002d0 ................
0x01ebfda0: 01ebfdcc 004b5e70 004b5e70 004b5e70 ....p^K.p^K.p^K.
0x01ebfdb0: 00000000 00000008 01ebfed9 01ebfe78 ............x...
0x01ebfdc0: 01ebfe8c 6aef4640 0489e590 00000000 ....@F.j........
0x01ebfdd0: 004bab20 004bc020 004bc2b0 004b8990 .K. .K...K...K.
0x01ebfde0: 02042a90 004babf0 00000000 01ebfe6c .*....K.....l...
0x01ebfdf0: 0055892a ffffffff 004a21df 00000001 *.U......!J.....
0x01ebfe00: 01ebfebc 00000008 01ebfed9 01ebfe8c ................
0x01ebfe10: 01ebfe8c 004f2204 01ebfe04 00000024 ....."O.....$...
0x01ebfe20: 01ebfe60 6aecb582 f25a3d71 fffffffe `......jq=Z.....
0x01ebfe30: 6ae5aa6f 005558b6 00555922 99569a16 o..j.XU."YU...V.
0x01ebfe40: 00000008 01ebfed9 01ebfe8c 01ebfe8c ................
0x01ebfe50: 00000008 ffffffff 01ebfe3c 01ebfe40 ........<...@...
0x01ebfe60: 01ebff78 00555f29 01ebfe04 01ebff78 x...)_U.....x...
0x01ebfe70: 00558712 00000000 01ebfea4 00556429 ..U.........)dU.
0x01ebfe80: 00000001 01ebfebc 00400000 69726f74 ..........@.tori
0x01ebfe90: 68736162 00556300 00000001 01ebfebc bash.cU.........
0x01ebfea0: 01ebfec4 01ebfef4 00556737 00000001 ........7gU.....
0x01ebfeb0: 01ebfebc 01ebfec4 01ebfebc 01ebfec5 ................
0x01ebfec0: 00000000 5c3a4822 5c797267 69726f54 ...."Hgry\Tori
0x01ebfed0: 68736162 322e342d 726f745c 73616269 bash-4.2\toribas
0x01ebfee0: 78652e68 00200065 014ccefc 020a2db3 h.exe. ...L..-..
0x01ebfef0: 00000000 01ebff88 00555cb3 00400000 .........\U...@.
0x01ebff00: 00000000 020a2db3 00000001 99569bee .....-........V.
0x01ebff10: 00000000 00000000 7efde000 00000044 ...........~D...
0x01ebff20: 020a1c30 020a1c10 020a1b9e 00000000 0...............
0x01ebff30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x01ebff40: 00000000 00000000 00000801 00000001 ................
0x01ebff50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 01ebff84 ................
0x01ebff60: c0000005 00000000 020a2db3 00000000 .........-......
0x01ebff70: 01ebff0c 01ebf598 01ebffc4 00555f29 ............)_U.
0x01ebff80: 98e419ce 00000000 01ebff94 761e339a .............3.v
0x01ebff90: 7efde000 01ebffd4 77ba9ed2 7efde000 ...~.......w...~
0x01ebffa0: 763d20ee 00000000 00000000 7efde000 . =v...........~
0x01ebffb0: c0000005 762076f7 762076f7 01ebffa0 .....v v.v v....
0x01ebffc0: 01ebf5bc ffffffff 77be1ecd 006f1a1a ...........w..o.
0x01ebffd0: 00000000 01ebffec 77ba9ea5 00555df6 ...........w.]U.
0x01ebffe0: 7efde000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ...~............
0x01ebfff0: 00000000 00555df6 7efde000 00000000 .....]U....~....

===== [end of crash.log] =====
Yeah, that's once again an Intel driver dying.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
"ig4icd32.dll" belongs to the Intel driver, and is the file that's crapping out when playing.

Poke more CCC settings lol, you'll find the right ones eventually.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
My computer wont work multiplayer. It says windows is checking for a solution to the problem then crashes. this never happened before.