i would pay 20 bucks to kick an orphans teeth out.

make a crown out of flowers
make a necklace out of orphans teeth
evil Führer of Evil
Both sound fun, but lets go with the teeth,

Sleep once a week
or shit once a week
I don't exist
Probably shit once a week, I only shit 3 times a week now and sleep is like my main thing.

Would you rather
There be a heaven where you go to after death
Be reborn as any animal you choose
Super Moderator, Event Squad, Market Squad. If you have any questions shoot me a PM!
Well Id choose heaven assuming its as good as most people think it is lol, I don't really see the appeal of being an animal.

Would you rather:

Eat ass

Drive fast

Smoke grass
If only everyone could be as sexy as me
Smonk earth ass

Suck Ron Jeremy's toe
Eat your fair share of hair
Last edited by Lucy; May 24, 2018 at 09:39 PM.
I don't exist
eat my fair share of hair tbh. Merry Krimbuss.

Would you rather walk around with your thumb in your butthole.

or with your big toe in your nose.
I am evil.
i'd rather walk around with my thumb up my butt cause i do that anyway ;)

would you rather stick a toothpick under your toenail and kick a wall or have to sit on danni's stool (google it)


Originally Posted by kiwii View Post
i'd rather walk around with my thumb up my butt cause i do that anyway ;)

would you rather stick a toothpick under your toenail and kick a wall or have to sit on danni's stool (google it)

Originally Posted by Lucy View Post
a) cause I'm not a legend ;p;

a) would you rather place a nail under your toenail and kick a wall
b) or have the bees knees.

But danni's stool

Would you rather
Eat the poo poo like soft serve or punch a cactus.
Last edited by Lucy; May 28, 2018 at 02:05 AM.
I don't exist
I punch cacti on a daily basis, so no problem there.

Would you rather
Put a wall under your toothpick and kick a toe
Learn russian
evil Führer of Evil