Endurance Onslaught 6.0
wise words master
for i belive this is the days moral
i dont type how i talk in real life
sure i use the same words and shit
but in real life i am punctual and crisp
......like the chip
and immature can also creat great people
for example what are comidians knowen for??
for being immature
and people love them
i rest my case
ex Ldr[HoLy]iceman21...
...we have come.....
well just so you know i do type how i talk in real life and you can't expect me to be 100% good at grammar cos im young

when i said i type how i talk in real life i mean the way i talk.
Well everyone is unique in one way or another but i don't get how fail grammar shows immaturity.... for me the persons words have more meaning then the persons grammar...
Last edited by terryquan; Sep 7, 2009 at 01:48 PM.
~ The HoLy Burning Death Plague Angel ~ GMT +10
well i talk like this but i mean
i dont type with grammar
i just fuck grammar all together
ex Ldr[HoLy]iceman21...
...we have come.....
Originally Posted by terryquan View Post
oh ok
i also made ardgevald admit when he was immature :3
to end this argument nicely.

Good grammar doesn't necessarily mean you would be immature and just to tell you again i only type like this on the internet and but everywhere else my grammar is fine.

If i can recall you said you left cos the clan was immature and you couldn't and it wasn't your responsibility to turn us mature ( ? ) well you were immature at times and like you said 1000 times before I'm immature cos off my grammar think again, and if you thought i was immature you would have recruited me in the first place.

When you said most people don't respect people with horrid grammar well grammar doesn't get people to respect you its personality. Alright people can nitpick on grammar and disrespect people with fail grammar, but grammar isn't the only thing you need to be respected.

I don't swear as much as you do, if you swear a lot it probably means your immature but I'm not saying this is true.

So i conclude if you have horrid grammar you still can be respected and mature.

Yeah, still, this is getting no where. Fact is, DIAF's dead. I don't want to destroy your post again, you've been had.
master of the universe
i never said anything about DIAF'S death. and what do you mean 'I don't want to destroy your post again, you've been had.' I'm afraid i don't understand to be honest

EDIT: this wasn't supposed to bring us anywhere i was just concluding the argument
Last edited by terryquan; Sep 7, 2009 at 01:57 PM.
~ The HoLy Burning Death Plague Angel ~ GMT +10
1. i did say i was concluding the argument
2. fine...i will leave it
3. but i still don't agree that horrid grammar shows immaturity its what the person says counts
4. in my opinion I'm not immature. i may be immature at times but not always

P.S i made some mistakes in my long post before so i fixed it
~ The HoLy Burning Death Plague Angel ~ GMT +10
First off, no you can't.
Secondly, you have gone amazingly off-topic when not 1 page ago I advised you to get back on track. If this is the type of organisational skills you bring to the clan, then you mays as well just condemn DIAF to death right now.
Close this thread and do as I suggested if you want DIAF to live.
1.Well what do you mean "First off, no you can't."
2.yes i know we gone amazingly off-topic cos i an argument with ard.
3.on page 2 ard sez all this stuff thats non-related to the thread
4. for no some reason i just say my thoughts about his post then i reply and so on....
5. then ard starts to ramble on how immature this clan was and how spammy it is
6. i didn't like what he said so i said something about it
7. he started being aggressive, i mean he kept proving things
8. i had no other choice but to reply
9. and so the argument started and thus making this thread off-topic
P.s don't ask why i just numbered my thing

EDIT: i know what your trying to say Xenmas but i just don't like ard anymore so i argue with him. when i met him he was fine. but now his turned cold...evil...a person i don't like and this is just my thought....
Last edited by terryquan; Sep 7, 2009 at 02:20 PM.
~ The HoLy Burning Death Plague Angel ~ GMT +10