Tompaine, I do understand that keeping someone who is not entirely liked by most of his colleagues but to many of them would hurt the clan, not to mention Danzos ranting about almost every single recruit. I hope you know where I'm trying to get to. There is always that one recruit that members disown, but he/she still gets in is what I'm opposing. Mist is cool, but I don't he fits the average age of this clan.
Yiazmat: whore, trying to get into Inq
Carnage: whore, trying to get into evo
Simon: whore, but acceptable
Doxxy: whore and unacceptable.

Should i stick this?
parai com activamento de coutinho decunfiado com estraça que brila enquanto rebolade de carro do pinto do nada
Danzos, will rant and rant till his lips bleed. But he will eventually get over it because he loves us all secretly.

Mist, hasn't done anything yet that i disapprove of except using bad grammar.

I do agree with tom tho. All the uber cool members are either taken or applying to clans. So whats left to do? Make your own uber cool members.

If you don't think this is possible, think about how noobish and uncool you guys used to be when you first joined, now look at yourself now.

AS long as mist is here, he will learn from us and become a better member to toribash. Same goes for anyone else in my clan.

Doxxy makes people cool \o\
Aka jusmi.
I fucking hate you Dox.
So bad. I hope you die in a fire. Srs bsns.
When i joined i was a fag i didn't even try to apply to cool clans, b
It's All About Expansion
I'm self-taught.
When I joined I was cool as shit and made the clan I joined even cooler.
Then I left, took that coolness with me, and brought it here.
The man makes the clan, not the clan makes the man.

Wise stuff there dox, to be honest I don't know Hucota, never talked to him but I don't see why he should be kicked out, it's nice to see you giving him a chance.
At least now there's more of a business process to our recruiting system!

Glad to see it. Also, sorry for the rough times guys. If you want to /close this that's cool. I still think it may be good to keep it to discuss possible interns and such.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Since when does your opinion concern us?
I'm sorry, what was that? Since never?
Thought so.
This issue is businessmen only.
You're the lowly caterer who brings us our lunch.