Yes we did use to war like it was going out of style and we didn't think we are the best clan and we do know how good of clans tgs, obey, nitro, alpha and many more clans are.
Another thing is that we do win more wars than we lose now and we still do war quite a lot but we do it for fun and as a team because as wapow we are a great team and a family as well and yes we can still improve on our clan as a whole but it still takes time.
Im going to be as transparent as I can here. I've left WAPOW before because of immature members, and refused to join back until things changed. And here I am, after a break from being clan-less (and being in [Meta] for a short while) because I saw / had proof that people changed. And they indeed changed a lot, there is this little group of people that is around 14-16 years old that have an excuse to be immature, we've all been like them at some point. So immaturity isn't the problem as far as I can see.

Regarding to the clan points and how often WAPOW wars. I've been in many wars in the past and we've always played it for fun. After finishing a war against Nitro, for example. We would have someone from *insert random clan here* in the room to ask us for a war. Which not everyone would agree to fight, but its better for the people that like warring that much to not lose that "war mentality" of not fucking up with stupid things. And that happens A LOT.

One of the WAPOW goals was to get to rank #1 after being inactive for a while. Krulls did an unbelievable and amazing job by getting us to where we are now. If people get mad / salty because we achieved one of our goals, then you can sit and wait for things to happen. Or you can play the game as its supposed to be played with the system that is implemented.

Still haven't seen a single /cry post anywhere about how childish is the 90% of this game community. Instead people love to hate others that work hard to achieve something.

Story from a different game.

Last edited by Sh00; May 30, 2015 at 12:35 PM.
Another thing is that the people that apparently hate us shouldn't be giving abuse instead trying to help us improve to earn their respect because toribash is a community and that's why we have clans to put in a bit more fun and competiveness and instead of hating clans for reasons we should try to help them to improve the community of toribash.
Last edited by Lamby; May 30, 2015 at 12:32 PM.
Haters gonna hate
I would just like to say that all clans have their haters and opinions are opinions we cant change that.
Wow i just saw this. Honestly i couldent really care less what people think but thats just me. When i first joined and we were in like 28th place or something we were more of a social clan and we recruited people we liked and had a good time with and yeah we war a lot because we wanna do something together and warring is pretty much the only thing you can do as a team. When we got to #1 is when we started leaning from being more social to being more skillbased in recruitment.

Like Spartin said how we got here was just doing a crud load of wars. IDK how many times we warred Obey and got rekd like 4-10. but now we can beat Obey or at least stay right with them in the war. Except usually if Hatt is there we dont do so hot xD my point is we have imporved a lot skill wise and have gotten much better players.

Even tho we are stronger then when we were first climbing the ranks ans yeah we still have a few not so great players but they helped us get this far and we dont wanna just drop them after we achieve it.

We have a reputation of being full of crap players and all that jazz but we have changed a lot since about a month ago or something and we are trying to break out of that reputation and get something good going because we are not as bad as our reputation and how people hold us to be.
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Look, I know everyone has different opinions and would like to voice them, and I'm totally ok with that.

Just for now can everyone please use our chat thread and stop using our maid thread.

Flames is my partner in science
Why wasn't I informed of my death -Flow
When the Cat is away the Mice will play
As I am currently away on my beach vacation, I will make this short.

WAPOW is a family and a team of friends.
It has been an amazing underdog story and our achievements are what they are, no more and no less.

We never said that we were the best Toribash Clan that ever existed.
But we have shown that we are dedicated, smart, tough warriors who work well together and have fun.
As for our #1 status, this is just a reflection of our dedication to eachother and the game.

Many other clans have just a few amazing members who streak in war and carry their clan reputation.
This is not how we do things.
Everyone participates and all members are respected and important to us.

I would easily classify our clan as good or better than any other in the top 10.
Our war record against those competitiors including Obey and Nitro is at least 50% or better.

As far as continuing this conversation, do it somewhere else.
We have a Chit Chat Thread where Invades are welcome, make use of it if you like.

This thread is for our members to post and record the history of our clan, Invades are Not Welcome.
Any further posts here from non-WAPOW members will be removed.

Id like to chime in here since I war you guys often and like doing that. I respect your clan and have nothing against you guys

The reason I think people don't like your clan is very simple. You are ranked #1 and it pisses people off. We all know that the best clans (tgs, alpha etcetc) are not in the top places which makes even the slightest claim that you are the best seem very annoying to people. And because you are number #1 people tend to take your words to be alot cockier than they really are. You expressing any signs of pride in your clan seems cocky to people, which isnt true most of the time. When I say im proud of Parrot its fine but when you say I'm proud of WAPOW it makes people look at it differently.

Parrot has warred you many times (score being 5-2 atm) and we've never experienced any major negativity towards us, when you lose you are polite and when you win you arent cocky. And I have to say you are one of my favorite clans to war against.

So what I really want to say is that, not everyone hates you. Parrot for example likes you guys alot. Its just the selected toxic few who dislike you because of some arbritary rankings and few situations that happen all the time between clans.
Last edited by cowmeat; May 30, 2015 at 06:29 PM.
And I have to say you are one of my favorite clans to war against

thank you cowmeat :P
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.