Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I wish we could see a clip of the dogfighting that is longer than 2 seconds. right now it looks worse than Freelancer from over a decade ago

admittedly they don't seem to claim their game is anything more than exploration, but i'm not sure that corresponds to the price tag
Last edited by pusga; Jul 21, 2016 at 02:12 PM.
oh yeah
Originally Posted by Moataz View Post
don't you guys understand something called "they didnt show you everything?"

but why would they make a video called FIGHT Video and only showcase like four weapons that seem to be almost identical if they supposedly have an ocean of content?

i'm not hating on the game by any means and i would be very happy if the game came out and it was great but it's fair to assume that if their game really has that much content they would do their best to communicate to us why we should be excited for the game.

I don't have a problem with the game (i haven't even played it yet obviously) but i have beef with their marketing so far, i haven't learned much about this game that i didn't know from their E3 trailer since then.
oh yeah
I'm not sold on it solely because it's not true multiplayer. I'd rather there be substantially fewer planets if it meant I could actually form a community on one of them.

It's a fun idea and it has a large scope, but I feel it's been too long coming for it to live up to it's hype, and it seems to be delivering too little for that wait from what they've shown. It's essentially a single player only experience, selling at a triple A game cost, but providing an indie game's level of depth. It leaves me worried that the game will largely be proof of concept, a technical feat in procedural generated scope, but flop in it's actual game play value.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Moataz View Post
don't you guys understand something called "they didnt show you everything?"

Shows how much faith you have in the game if you have to rely on imaginary content to explain why it's good, doesn't it? :P

If they don't show it, how can we judge it? Of course we can't.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I'm not sold on it solely because it's not true multiplayer. I'd rather there be substantially fewer planets if it meant I could actually form a community on one of them.

I agree, I mean the best things about ED were the grand prix, Distant Worlds, or just doing literally any of the content with friends.

Once friends stopped playing ED, it didn't take long for me to quit too. The game is just masturbatory without multiplayer. I can't imagine NMS (which has a bigger world with less to do) being better - if at all.
Originally Posted by Moataz View Post
you can judge it when you try it.

Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
Indeed I will

You will? Sweet thanks for supporting the game, hoping they really expand on the game.

Really liked reading this thread, showed how quite a few people even some who are trying to defend it don't really research anything besides trailers.

No Man's Sky was called, "homogeneous" in this thread once. And creatures looked "boring".

Sean Murray - "We wanted to show off, the more alien side of things. It's like we're easing people into No Man's Sky. So when we show it, we show things like fish that look like sharks, or things that look like deer and dinosaurs...we wanted people to feel comfortable and understand what the game was.

Because actually you can go to some planet and you can be underwater, but it doesn't look like underwater anymore, because the creatures don't look like fish and water can be made of things...other than water. That could be confusing for people."

Don't really feel like typing more right now but...basically the game has a much wider scope than some people give it credit for and I hope it succeeds.
Consider looking into it a bit more before bashing a game based on what little you've seen, as it comes across as quite idiotic.

My main fear is the small team pulling off such a massive scale project on their own.

My hopes are high, and I've already bought my copy.

Fingers crossed!
Originally Posted by Cheshyre View Post
You will? Sweet thanks for supporting the game, hoping they really expand on the game.

Ofc, we can only judge what we are told and what we see.

Yes, I saw that last year, as I said, it is homogeneous, and I said this knowing full well that they also said they made their game bland on purpose.

I know they made the choice to not do anything unusual, but I disagree with that choice.

Originally Posted by Cheshyre View Post
My main fear is the small team pulling off such a massive scale project on their own.

My hopes are high, and I've already bought my copy.

Well from what we have seen the scope is pretty narrow. But nice of you to blindly throw money at them, I'm sure they appreciate it. I hope for your sake the game does end up being more than we are shown!