Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I find Rogue, Priest, Shaman, and Paladin really strong. Also, how much wins do you guys usually get in Arena on average?
Virus: Son | ImVeryBlue: Husband | Creati0n: Wife
Originally Posted by hipotibor View Post
I call bullshit on that. After you've bought like 15 packs, you start getting
the same cards over and over again and you rarely get anything new/useful, just the same old whites and blues. From time to time, the game will throw a single Epic or Legendary just to keep you grinding for more packs. If you want to play competitively then you should have the majority of good staple cards, which are extemely hard to come by (talking about Leeroy, Faceless Manipulator etc), then you should buy a lot of packs with real money and pray for the best. If you don't have any money to throw away, you can always try some F2P decks from the internet, which require a couple of expert blues and whites.

Then there is the problem of competitive play in a casual-oriented game. The game is 75% luck and 25% copying other people's decks from the internet. You can't climb the ladder faster even if you're truly good and using your own "super awesome unique deck", because the game is a cleverly designed grinding system that won't let you get legend until you have won a certain number of matches.

It's still a fun game if you're trying it out for the first time and you aren't aiming for competitive play.

Well, my max rank in the "Ranked" playlist was 3, and that was with a completely default F2P deck. Nothing but the cards you get when you download the game. And rank 5 and lower is the top 5% of the players in the game, so there's no way this game is even close to 50% P2W.
I know, it's gotta sting a lot. What do you guys use to replace him?
Virus: Son | ImVeryBlue: Husband | Creati0n: Wife
Hi i is sorta new-ish to this game yet probably have spent like 40 bucks on packs because meh felt like it.

I like hunter k, because low cost spam deck is fun
Originally Posted by ImVeryBlue View Post
I know, it's gotta sting a lot. What do you guys use to replace him?

Well in Miracle you could use Malygos. I don't have Malygos yes, but I've seen him used in miracle lately and I must say it works pretty damn well. 9 damage Eviscerates are pretty mind blowing. But I just took him out and I can't remember what I put. Another farseer or something.
For your leeroy replacement, you should now play either malygos rogue (keep sinister strikes+malygos as a win condition) or board controlish rogue which is essentially the same deck with more yolo vancleefs, more colblood into conceal and also the introduction of violet teacher.

Lately I've been rolling with handlock tho.
Soap knows his shit haha ^^'

I started watching the videos he told me to, and I forged a makeshift Lock Zoo deck with what cards I do have access to. I went like 5-2 or so. My last win was actually against a guy who was decked to the nines with amazing stuff, I mean clearly he spent quite a bit on this game, unique backed cards, played a legendary or two, etc. And he was a mage too which against a Zoo Deck is murder with all that AoE.

I've spent $0 USD on this game so far. I understand how I can improve my deck, I know that if I spent USD on it that improvement could come FASTER, but I don't need any of it to be very competitive if I just get smarter about knowing what sort of options other classes and decks have at clearing waves.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
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