hmm in mean the splits the cracks i don't know what the english word is.
Hier steht eine Signatur. Here is my Signatur.
I don't really feel compelled to do it, not being able to understand half of what you're saying (no offence) doesn't help, and I generally get paid for them :P.

Of course that's one of my other reason I do this, get toricredits for them or experimenting/playing around, I won't mind using your tori in a experimental sig/ava for free.

Anyways, feeling pretty surreal a moment ago.
Actually the whole thing has been fade-blurred, but there's a slight glowing effect behind my tori that can be obtained by duplicating a copy of the tori, smudge(custom smudge settings) the bottom copy and set it to linear dodge, I then smudge away some edges of the tori to flow with the light direction (I added lighting effects before hand, most noticeably the left pec.

So yes, yes I did.
Haha Well looks nice man I think im gonna start Maken Some Random Shit like that experiment alittle with photoshop =)
Was gonna ask when maken texts or images what do u use to lighten up area's?
dodge + burn tools, you may want to fiddle with the exposure and some settings to achieve correct lighting effects, I use midtones exposure 50% with airbrush just as a general.