Okay, get grammar again, please. And sure, why not? What can you help me with that doesn't require paying or constant nagging?
the goblin
Naw, I'm just a forumite now, so apparently I have to act cocky all the time. Anyways, I think I could get Kat to help me. If not, I'll just help you with whatever you want(until you get too naggy, then I'll burn this clan down and sue your pants off).
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
kay. I might supply things(not). Just PM me if you need any assistance with running the 'event'. Good luck with Sandvich, and get back on the darn forum, I'm so lonely.
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
Originally Posted by poppo361 View Post
hey im popo n im ur guys frand, k.

hows sandvich doing?(4th page already, huh?)
also, need any help, nub?

Cocky and full of yourself?
I see you had your first war,too bad you lost :c

also,congrats for the 10k in bank
I play games and lift weights.