Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Rhaken blasts past Jositai who follows his wake in which bules, or at least parts of bules cake the walls, Jositai could swear there wasn't supposed to be that much blood in a bule, but to his dismay they find them selves on the other end of the tunnel covered in blood. When they clear their vision and after Rhaken stops hurling abuse at the wall he's run into, they find that they are in a large cave, beside them is marcus and some unknown figure with large bracer's oh his wrists, Jositai acts friendly while Rhaken is about to ask them who they are but they all fall to the ground as a defining roar causes a small portion of the cave to implode. It appears theres no way back. "Prepare your selves!" yells Jositai, he knows what ahead lies, the strange figure mutters under his breath "Ahh, Irfrit."

Malek opens the box to find a doll, he grabs it and falls down the hole he predicted and then finds he's in yet another cavern, It appears he fell into a rather bad place to be as a giant serpents tail whips through the lava ahead of him, and almost splashes him. Loar steps past Malek "Why the hell are you here?" as he side steps the splash of lava him self. Loar: "Oh well, you get to try and help me fight Yilse..." He points at the snake as it's head raises from the lava "...and try not to die."
"I was just following the fastest path." I'm doing a scan on the serpent, looking around for obvious manners of escape, taking a pot shot at the serpent with my gun, and then taking the back, continuing to shoot at the serpent (taking note not to hit Loar, Malek likes being alive. It's... more entertaining.)
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Malek scan
Name: Yilse (Yeels-A)
Desc: "This serpent is said to have plasmatic blood, it is week to strong physical attacks and ice."
Watch out for: Bite (Thunder / Fire)
Weakness: Ice / Physical
Level: 12

The shot forces it to dodge left while Loar charges, but Loar is forced to retreat as the serpent brings it's tail less the a foot away from Maleks face in a sweeping attack, Loar is pinned, but avoids the attack.
Last edited by Vox; Jul 6, 2010 at 01:30 AM.
Esther, male, 17
Grade 1 student
Was a drafted soldier in the war, did nothing special (also sucks with guns)
Red and blue color thing
Grew up in a poor neighborhood until drafted into the war, where he learned much about fighting and tactics, but could never use a gun right
Likes to think things through but can be rash at times, prefers straightforward/rational thinking.
Likes a good challenge of wit
When he was drafted he was a little upset because he was being enlisted against his will, but had hopes for possible acquired fame.
After the war and a disappointment, he took to be a wanderer and occasional mercenary.
Preferred weapon: Light gauntlets for punching things

Is this better :<
Last edited by Thorn; Jul 6, 2010 at 03:46 AM.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
You missed a bit, I'd suggest going back and reading the character creation sheet again, and reading say, suomynona's, and rhaken's character sheets.

Bio needs to be at least two lines long.
Add a weapon, not just 'not a gun'.

Other than that I'll be introducing your character after fire cavern (where we are now) we are at the end of it and there is no easy way to add you in.
Student grade 1
Ji (Japanese Halberd)

Aelios, from the get go, was the type of person you'd be able to call 'Thick headed', however, as he grew older he started to learn how to turn the tables in a fight with ease, hee also learnt how to use polearms, which he then devloped further to use a Ji, which he used in conjunction with his newely learnt tactical skills, Aelios likes to wear light armor, because he doesn't like to be weighed down by heavy armor, so he uses stuff like leather pads, and cotton clothing.
Update on it's way tonight, if you haven't posted by then well, too bad. (Note,I'll be double posting the update if there is no post after this so that everyone gets the USERCP update. no I don't care how hypocritical this is of me.)
Originally Posted by Vox View Post
Update on it's way tonight, if you haven't posted by then well, too bad. (Note,I'll be double posting the update if there is no post after this so that everyone gets the USERCP update. no I don't care how hypocritical this is of me.)

Originally Posted by Vox View Post
Update on it's way tonight, if you haven't posted by then well, too bad.[...]

Originally Posted by Vox View Post
Update on it's way tonight

We have entered an endless recursion of time.