Originally Posted by victortb View Post
the toribash 2 title was more of a joke, this is more of a hobby project than anything full-on serious, though I do want to make this a game rather than just a move-maker tool, I also want to make it open source when I have something more well developed atleast. atm I'm just calling it fighter 3d. The small demo I uploaded is somewhat usable, but like I said nothing too deeply developed.
The idea is to first make(or use pre made) movesets in a move maker I'm currently implementing and bind the moves to keys, and then when you're playing you perform the actions you created.

alright cool thanks for the response! goodluck
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
Originally Posted by Smorf View Post
btw if you ever feel like the godot physics system is kinda lacking
u can use this extension it's free and it's a big improvement

dude I had to literally resort to that on day 2 because 6DOFJoint's motor, which I use to make some of the movements, does not work properly on GodotPhysics3D. I read that the godot devs had to sort of make their own physics engine because the previous one that they were using(bullet physics) weren't going to give support to use in games. And there's also a huge performance boost in jolt so it's great.

Originally Posted by Kirito View Post
i considered a game working like that years ago but with all my brainstorming i couldnt figure out a way to have the same... fidelity toribash gives you? whats ur approach to that? have one key be bound to multiple moves? like x for ur punch movememory ctrl+x or whatever and u do a backflip or some shit

more or less that, I'm going more for a scriptable approach. I'm still trying to figure out a good GUI for that but right now you can control what each joint does, and how hard it does(contract left arm with force of 500 is basically LAF>500). A pose is a bunch of joint controls on the same frame(contract both arms with force of 500 is LAF>500,RAF>500), and a pose sequence is a bunch of poses in sequence. in the pose sequencer you can input for how long each pose last before going to the next one(contract both arms for one second and then extend).

But a big plan is to be able to cancel out of an animation into another, so if you have a crouch animation for example, you can cancel it into a double leg take down or a raising uppercut, or if you have a left dodge you can also cancel it into a left hook.

The actual game I plan to be more like, you already have every pose sequence bound to your keys, so for example, you press Q to execute a standing pose, W to step forward, E for straight, R for hook etc.
Last edited by victortb; 2 Weeks Ago at 09:05 PM.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Originally Posted by victortb View Post
The actual game I plan to be more like, you already have every pose sequence bound to your keys, so for example, you press Q to execute a standing pose, W to step forward, E for straight, R for hook etc.

Originally Posted by victortb View Post
The actual game I plan to be more like, you already have every pose sequence bound to your keys, so for example, you press Q to execute a standing pose, W to step forward, E for straight, R for hook etc.

i think you should lean into QWOPs approach would be pretty interesting
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Originally Posted by Kirito View Post
i think you should lean into QWOPs approach would be pretty interesting

LMAO I could barely get good at QWOP and that was just legs
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
Originally Posted by basic View Post
can someone make toribash 4

give me some time to grasp the basics of unity and i'll do it

Originally Posted by victortb View Post

This is me trying to make some kicks and stances, you can tell how bad it currently controls.

just you wait I'm gonna make the gayest rainbow colored sprinkling char because I have the power to

Drive link isn't public btw.

If I was able to have one wish, it would be to live closer to my one true love Fred, his beard tastes so nice.
He is also a far superior tk player.