Originally Posted by Sparkyau View Post
UPDATE: I've put my knowledge of coding to use. I've coded a program via Python to choose if a song should be skipped or not. I just have to make sure that it gets used by the staff on it! If anyone else wants to look at, or use it, PM and I'll give you the link to both the .exe version (standalone) and the .py version (requires Python)

God damn my laptop and how shitly it runs downloaded things
Tim is bae :3
Btw, forgot to mention, if i add anything to the side such as a needed bot/addon or new rules, i'll post em in the original post as well as here
Tim is bae :3
This is fun listening to music, Playing and chatting!
♦ "thx bananas my love" -Shakky ♦
[TA] || ♪♪ Popping pills is all we know ♪♪ || [TA]
Originally Posted by Bananas View Post
This is fun listening to music, Playing and chatting!

Depends what time you're on really xD at around 10AM GMT no one is on except me xD still good though, i got enough playlists so can just listen and game
Tim is bae :3
I'm really keen for them to release an app version of it that can stream on my iPod! Once they get that, it'll be so much greater.
Occasionally go in the Plug.DJ from time to time.
Boy. Is this a musically diverse community. From Green Day to Big Booty Bitches. There's something for everything.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
Boy. Is this a musically diverse community. From Green Day to Big Booty Bitches. There's something for everything.

Being there whenever I can and being the one that skips the songs. I approve this message. Sometimes it's good, there's the occasional guy that's open to any kind of music (ie. NEATLYSPEED, thieve888, Icky, Cheshyre) that'll help expand your playlist. Some of the time though some people auto meh because of a certain genre or artist though. I admit I do this sometimes too. I just think the community/site would be better if people actually gave songs that arent trolls (ex. Rickroll, jumpscares, [sorry if I offend anyone for this] Anaconda,JB) a chance. So yeah, if someone new to the site reads this, give people's song choices a chance plox :<
Last edited by CloudFair3; Apr 20, 2015 at 11:46 AM. Reason: Grammar/punctuation. I'm a bit of a grammar fan.
Originally Posted by CloudFair3 View Post
Being there whenever I can and being the one that skips the songs. I approve this message. Sometimes it's good, there's the occasional guy that's open to any kind of music (ie. NEATLYSPEED, thieve888, Icky, Cheshyre) that'll help expand your playlist. Some of the time though some people auto meh because of a certain genre or artist though. I admit I do this sometimes too. I just think the community/site would be better if people actually gave songs that arent trolls (ex. Rickroll, jumpscares, [sorry if I offend anyone for this] Anaconda,JB) a chance. So yeah, if someone new to the site reads this, give people's song choices a chance plox :<

That's true, one time I was almost insta-skipped because I played a song by Kanye West :|
Originally Posted by SrCheetah View Post
That's true, one time I was almost insta-skipped because I played a song by Kanye West :|

We need a rule on auto mehs. It shouldn't matter if someone doesn't like the genre. You can fucking WAIT 30 seconds into the song. I mean Jesus people. I used this rule awhile ago, and I got 4 insta mehs on my song. Not being a bouncer at the time, the current bouncer agreed to wait thirty seconds. Do you know what happened? I got 6 woots, 3 grabs, and NO mehs. If we could simply implement this, it would vastly improve our room. Of course, it wouldn't pass for troll songs (such as POMF POMF >.>) or non-music.
I'm just gamin' man
Noticed that there are like, no people in rank of D.J
Anyone whos applied and got accepted just goes straight to bouncer
You guys may wanna add some

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