I drew a new one a while back.
Daughter was watching the anime marathon with me, and fell asleep on me. I thought it was the cutest thing ever, so I drew it the following morning ;o


Loving it. ^^
Also, are you using that kind of shading becouse you want it to be more similiar to the shading in anime and manga?
Becouse i use regular shading for manga drawings. :o

What do you mean, that kind of shading?
I do the shading I grew up with.
I was never a fan of completely black for shaded spots, looked to unrealisticish
I mean, this is anime but I still like it to be nice and not blotchy. Guess I don't know what kind of shading your referring too
Hmm, something like that.


I mean, you take a part of a drawing and shade inside of it. And it's mostly the same tone.
Yeah, not very good with blending stuff in, so it's usually just 1 shade, and it's just a shadow of something
It's why I don't color anything too, I can never blend in
I remember posting this a while back, didn't notice this thread until now so...


big ol' image

the goblin