Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Shmevin View Post
Your lucky you dont go to my school...Everyone there is either stupid, horny, disrespectful, or some combonation of the 3.

Haha, well yeah. Aren't all school's like that nowadays?

Plus if I went to your school I could at least talk to you, lolz. You don't seem stupid or disrespectful.

Not sure if your horny or not though... hahaha.
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
Originally Posted by Rainbowz View Post
Haha, well yeah. Aren't all school's like that nowadays?

Plus if I went to your school I could at least talk to you, lolz. You don't seem stupid or disrespectful.

Not sure if your horny or not though... hahaha.

Noah's eyes dart back and forth suspiciously.
daddy kill the spider
Originally Posted by Rainbowz View Post
Haha, well yeah. Aren't all school's like that nowadays?

Plus if I went to your school I could at least talk to you, lolz. You don't seem stupid or disrespectful.

Not sure if your horny or not though... hahaha.

Im not another sex obsessed teen like almost everyone else.
I have my priorities on other things like school.
>implying that you don't have sexual urges to exclude yourself from the rest of the male population.
>also implying that you're male.
Holyy I was drinking yesterday at a kickback and than this freshman chick vomited and shit herself. Scary stuff.

Also you're only really horny as a highschool male if you jack off all the time but is still a virgin, so... If you're not a fapper or a virgin than you're all set ^^
Wanna play some [CHESS]? <3