Been playing Jack-7 a bit of late, sort of fell off of playing.

Fella's been a good meme, such a good character lol

Otherwise been messing with Lars, really enjoying the pressure he can create and the feeling of speed. Screwed with him a bit on Tekken 6 but that was back when he was a little more cheap so I steered clear with my "i don't need to rely on THIS" attitude.

Pretty fun though, anyone else been playing besides us few?
Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
Also bois, got mighty ruler finally.

Isn't this your first Tekken? Lol well done.

Having a hard time with any particular character in particular?

Playing Lars, Feng is giving me a headache with all his sidestepping and evasive movement. Doing my head in.
Jack is really hard since moving around him is really difficult.
I play very movement/stepping focused tekken and Jack can shut sideways movement down really well with 21, df1, ff1 and df2.
I used to have some difficulties vs steve, but that was more of a MU knowledge thing.
Lee, Kazuya, King, Asuka, Law (had to drop Heihachi as he is no longer canon RIP). In that order. Just started doing a lot more Lei. So many stances. Ps4. Been playing since Tekken 2 on classic Playstation. Least favorites: Bear (Kuma/Panda), Elisa, and Bryan, in that order.

RIP Baek. They killed my main.
Any other Xbox Tekken 7 players? Looking for new people to start lobby's with.
Todays a hype day. TWT finals are live. Also got some ranks for the mains All together, pretty great
Last edited by cowmeat; Dec 2, 2018 at 10:47 AM.