Day two:

There remains a better chance for the inspector to find a mafia member, than for the doctor to be killed during the night. Doctor is less useful if he doesn't know whom to protect, and inspector is not useful if he can't guarantee his own survival.

The plan is there. Information is key, and right now, the town has zero knowledge.

Abstain from lynching.
"I think it has become obvious that this Wight fellow is hellbent on taking our God given right to lynch. He has presented himself as an enemy to the cause, so I say we lynch him."
"Toolfree is a good public speaker! No idea what he said, but I agree with him! Lynch Wight! Lynch Wight! Lynch Wight!"
Last edited by ysome; Jul 31, 2014 at 09:56 PM.
"In my opinion, the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomenon." -Jon Osterman
"I'm wondering why Wight wasn't the one killed by the mafia.."
*Pulls out sword halfway* "That's some suspicious shit"
Originally Posted by Erif View Post
"I'm wondering why Wight wasn't the one killed by the mafia.."

The most obvious target to be killed is also the most obvious target for the doctor to protect. Common sense, I would think.

Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
Votes must be case in bold

Friendly reminder.
I was wondering if I had gone insane and forgotten to tell you all.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Nah, it's just that nobody actually wants to really lynch Wight since he's pretty much our only defense against the mafia.

That and we forgot.
Last edited by ysome; Aug 1, 2014 at 01:17 AM.
"In my opinion, the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomenon." -Jon Osterman
"I feel that Risk's smileys were a bribe and he is awfully to quiet. I believe we should lynch him with no questions asked."
Last edited by dannyrug; Aug 1, 2014 at 10:31 PM.
A hasbeen like the rest
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
The Night Phase is now over, due to all of the night activities being PMed to me.

BleachMe has been found dead in his room, a single bullet hole between his eyes. He was a Villager.

"After looking over the autopsy it has come to my attention that animate balls of light don't generally have eyes (as was the case with Logan) nor do they take much damage from guns. It's for this reason I say we make haste in lynching Wight."