Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
wibbles threads are banned in clans still right?!

Been a long time since that rule got killed

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
It's because people started shitposting non-stop to get higher post counts; users seem to have a deluded idea that high post counts mean something.

It's because the post count is visible under the username. It makes it seem of importance. If you put the count of matches won by the player, people would have a strong motivation to get that count up for everyone to see.
While we are at it let's change the global rules so shit posting is ok. That's all wibbles was. Nonsensical shit posting that you could totally just do in any one of the number of IM programs.

Like irc, holy shit we have that for free.

If I recall people don't spend the $10 just to have a place to shit post, it's an added benefit to the package they give you.

The idea is not to remove any "fun" from posting things on toribash, it's to prevent the forums from looking like an eye sore for an outsider. Shit like "the acronym" thread serve no real purpose.

Encidently, this thread about shit posts is more coherent and tolerable then some of the things in discussion, offtopic.
Not a fan of allowing arbitrary rampant shitposting either.

The following is a suggestion and a proposal for discussion, not an actual policy change. Any actual policy changes will be posted in the sticky. Please discuss and tell me if these changes seem like they would help or if they would be worse than just banning everyone.

However, I am a fan of rewording the Off Topic rules a bit. Let's go in order:
A. We do not allow useless threads. Your thread must have an obvious topic with room for some Discussion. Examples of useless threads include: Birthday threads, leaving threads coming back threads...etc.

What does that even mean? I'd rather something like:
Your thread should prompt discussion or at the very least interesting responses. If your thread is of a type that historically always receives the same responses (e.g. birthday threads, leaving threads, coming back threads, etc.), it will be closed. If it is determined that your thread has become a thread that always receives the same responses, it will be closed.

Sometimes the discussion would, really, turn out to have only stemmed from a nitpick of a strange set of posts that could only be called a derail. This is Off Topic though, so if nobody's complaining that the thread should get back on topic, is a derail a problem?

B. No idle chit-chat, all threads must relate to something.

This is honestly fine, but it might be worth elaborating that:
No idle chit-chat. If your conversation would be easier to hold in an instant messenger, please use one.

Maybe emphasize that posts should address the thread before individual people in the thread. Try to avoid extensive back and forth dialogue unless it's immediately pertinent to the thread.

C. No “what if” or “have you ever” threads. This also extends to general question/survey threads (threads with the purpose of answering a question/threads that link users to a survey).

Why is this a thing? What's wrong with a thread like "What if all cats and dogs were replaced by omnivorous, omnicidal landsharks?" No surveys is fine, but what if someone wanted to make a thread like "I've been a mod forever but no one has ever heard of me" and they weren't a legend? Where would they put it? If there isn't anywhere to put it, why shouldn't they be able to put it in Off Topic?

D. If the Original Post is a question, do not just reply with just an answer, but also explain your answer.

This is fine, in my opinion. If your answer is just "yes" or "no" or some similarly unsupported statement, then the thread should either have been put in Rapid Threads, or you're being lazy about explaining your answer. Since it's not in Rapid Threads if Off Topic rules apply, you're being lazy, stop that.

E. Keep it clean, no spam.

What even is spam? Like, what about double posting if you want to bump a thread that you made and you last posted in sixteen months ago because it suddenly became relevant again? Is that spam? Is necroposting spam? Is necroposting even bad (it probably is, even in Off Topic)?

Blatant spam is already covered under global rules in a variety of places. Why have this here if there aren't any particular special cases for Off Topic that are common and people need to know about?

F. No one word posts.

Like this one.
No spam/zero effort posting/posting just for the post count. As a particular (but not all-inclusive) example, no one word posts.

G. No discussion of Warez or account selling of any kind.

What do Warez and account selling even have to do with each other? If we're talking about blanket bans, include the next rule in the single rule:
H. Keep it clean. The majority of the forum is under 18.

No discussion of warez, piracy, account selling, account sharing, or sexually explicit material.

----- ~~~~~ ----- {we don't have a horizontal rule tag? why?} ----- ~~~~~ -----

There's also the other [READ BEFORE POSTING] thread:

Step One: Know what Off-Topic is for.

I'm fine with this, honestly.

Step Two: Check if there is a more appropriate board for your thread.


You know, this gets back to a weird thing with the TB forums. So rarely do I see threads just get moved if they're in the wrong forum.

Also, really, why should we hold Off Topic posts to find the best possible board for their topic? Some people want less serious discussion even on a topic that could warrant it. Some people want more in depth answers to their stupid trivial question about what precise shade of blue the sky is in hexcodes. Some people want to watch the world burn from the comfort of Off Topic rather than the [Apocalypse] wibbles thread. Is there a clan with [Apocalypse] as a tag? (There was one, once. It wasn't very successful.)

Step Three: Check if there is an existing thread for your idea.

Sure, but cut the repost limit from 6 months to 1 month and I think it might do better.

Step Four: Check if there is an active organization for your thread idea.

This is a good tip for finding people who might care, but even if an organization exists do we really want to shove people out of Off Topic? I'd hope in general that Off Topic reaches a more expansive audience in most cases, and furthermore these organizations might even want to post some of their most interesting threads in Off Topic just to remind people that they exist. If there is an organization but you chose not to post there directly, all I'd ask is that you at least acknowledge that the organization exists. I don't care why you chose to post in Off Topic instead of there, really, just so long as you knew it exist when you made the decision.

Step Five: Make sure your original post for the thread is accessible.

This is just important advice for making a successful thread in the first place. It's fine.

Remember that threads can also be closed due to a large number of low quality posts inside threads, so please use the report button whenever you see a post that breaks the rules, and of course do not make these posts yourself.

Why? If it's a problem based on a lack of possible content for the thread, okay, sure, close it. If it's a problem with a user, infract until banned and delete any posts that don't pass a quick "Is this not complete garbage?" examination. Don't punish the thread for having bad users unless the thread is nothing but bad users with bad posts.
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The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
The idea is not to remove any "fun" from posting things on toribash, it's to prevent the forums from looking like an eye sore for an outsider. Shit like "the acronym" thread serve no real purpose.

Maybe we should be more concerned with actual users than outsiders? The acronym thread was clearly for fun posting, and people were enjoying it. Is that not a "purpose"? Entertainment is a billion dollar industry you know, sure if you take an existential view point and go full nihilist then what's the point, but it's pretty clear to me and probably everyone else that "fun" is a purpose.

Originally Posted by suomynona View Post
What does that even mean?

One thousand times this. Every time I'm infracted for "useless" posts I'm sure to ask, because no one has any idea how to define it, they worm around, deflect, and they just end up saying "oh it's just an infraction" don't complain.

As for the rest of your post, can you elaborate why these things are a problem?

"If it is determined that your thread has become a thread that always receives the same responses, it will be closed."
Why does this matter?

"Try to avoid extensive back and forth dialogue unless it's immediately pertinent to the thread."
Why does this matter?

"No surveys is fine"
Why are surveys a problem?

"you're being lazy, stop that."
Why are 1 word answers a problem? You can just reply "Can you explain?" if you want someone to explain.

"Is necroposting even bad"
It's not against the rules in this board, so no explanation needed, but if someone who is pro-time limiting threads, can they explain.

"I'm fine with this, honestly."
Unfortunately most people DONT KNOW, and it isn't explained... Even in this thread there are staff who have no clue.

TBH that whole "how to make a good thread" post is shit, if there is a more appropriate sub then lmods can move it, if there is an org or existing megathread or if the post is inaccessible someone will say so. Threads shouldn't be so much work to make, especially in OT which is not a srs bsns board.
If you have minions in your avy or sig DO NOT REPLY TO MY POSTS
Originally Posted by suomynona View Post
Your thread should prompt discussion or at the very least interesting responses. If your thread is of a type that historically always receives the same responses (e.g. birthday threads, leaving threads, coming back threads, etc.), it will be closed. If it is determined that your thread has become a thread that always receives the same responses, it will be closed.

I don't agree with the preemptive closing of threads before any 'crime' is committed. If the thread turns out to be shit, close it then. Until then, give all threads a chance (so long as they don't break global rules). Don't take action before the fact.

I can get behind your other suggestions.

I'll also add, as a general rule of thumb, that moderator action should only occur when a post/thread is completely shit. Everything that is not a blatant shitpost should be left alone. That's where the bar was originally set (source: Skul) and that's where it should be again.
Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
Maybe we should be more concerned with actual users than outsiders? The acronym thread was clearly for fun posting, and people were enjoying it. Is that not a "purpose"? Entertainment is a billion dollar industry you know, sure if you take an existential view point and go full nihilist then what's the point, but it's pretty clear to me and probably everyone else that "fun" is a purpose.

Right, because screw trying to make us like like we are mature to someone who is interested in using the board.

And again, why does it have to be a more permanent soure of discussion? Why can't people who want to have fun with "one word stories" or "acronyms from your name" be in something like irc? Or Skype, or one of the other dozens of free IM? If it's really funny you could even c/p it and share it later.
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
Right, because screw trying to make us like like we are mature to someone who is interested in using the board.

people don't come to off topic in search of maturity, they come in search of amusing threads..

Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
And again, why does it have to be a more permanent soure of discussion? Why can't people who want to have fun with "one word stories" or "acronyms from your name" be in something like irc? Or Skype, or one of the other dozens of free IM? If it's really funny you could even c/p it and share it later.

people obviously prefer using the forums.. it's almost as if people want to chat with the community rather than their Skype friends or the 20 afk people in irc... O_o and if you c/p and share something you think is funny it will get closed or deleted...
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
Right, because screw trying to make us like like we are mature to someone who is interested in using the board.

And again, why does it have to be a more permanent soure of discussion? Why can't people who want to have fun with "one word stories" or "acronyms from your name" be in something like irc? Or Skype, or one of the other dozens of free IM? If it's really funny you could even c/p it and share it later.

There are dozens of boards on this forum, obviously something that is called "offtopic" is a board that exists only for fun. You are suggesting that people will leave as soon as they see 1 thread they don't like, but you are ignoring that the majority of people come to this board for fun in the first place, not for serious debate and discussion.

IRC has like 5 active users at any given time and everything is buried by the time anyone else comes on, it's obviously not comparable. Skype is clearly not comparable to a forum at all. Do you understand how stupid it is to suggest we just get everyone on the forum on Skype together and make dozens of threads? This is such an absurdly dumb idea that I can't even fathom why you thought to post it.
If you have minions in your avy or sig DO NOT REPLY TO MY POSTS
Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
Maybe we should be more concerned with actual users than outsiders? The acronym thread was clearly for fun posting, and people were enjoying it. Is that not a "purpose"? Entertainment is a billion dollar industry you know, sure if you take an existential view point and go full nihilist then what's the point, but it's pretty clear to me and probably everyone else that "fun" is a purpose.

In my opinion, Off Topic should be a fun and relaxed board; but this is very different than a meme driven meme board that no one without two dozen years of extensive Toribash-meme-metaknowledge could hope to participate in. Thus, Wibbles is still not a good idea.

Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
One thousand times this. Every time I'm infracted for "useless" posts I'm sure to ask, because no one has any idea how to define it, they worm around, deflect, and they just end up saying "oh it's just an infraction" don't complain.

In my opinion: A useless post is one that doesn't meaningfully affect what the thread knows, or doesn't positively contribute to what the thread is doing. For example, posting "The Uke position is much better than the Tori position in spiritwrestlingrigged.tbm" in the thread "Use of trains for transportation rising in 4th world countries!" would definitely be useless. "Yes", without context, is also generally useless, especially if you get ninja'd by someone else asking a different (but still yes or no) question.

Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
As for the rest of your post, can you elaborate why these things are a problem?

"If it is determined that your thread has become a thread that always receives the same responses, it will be closed."
Why does this matter?

Because if every thread is the same, we arrive at the same issue we are currently at, just with a different selection of threads. Also, believe it or not, some threads are incredibly predictable, and it takes miraculous luck to save some of them.

@Ele: Really. Some of them are. Not taking preemptive action against them would be doable, but I do believe that doing so would lessen our ability to maintain a certain level of interesting quality in Off Topic. In a board like this, quality doesn't (shouldn't) need to be high effort -BUT- that doesn't mean there is no such thing as low quality.

I'd agree that it should be limited to the lowest of the low quality. If we get a page of threads that are all the same and have all the same responses though, we are probably going to ban that thread type, at least temporarily.

Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
"Try to avoid extensive back and forth dialogue unless it's immediately pertinent to the thread."
Why does this matter?

Thread: "Boats!"
Example 1: "Hey, I like boats."
Example 2: "Oh, do you own any?"
Example 1: "Oh sure, I own three yachts."
Example 2: "Oh neat can we get pics?"
^ this would be fine.

Thread: "Boats!"
Example 1: "Hey, can I buy a demon head texture?"
Example 2: "Oh sure, what specifically do you want?"
Example 1: "Like fangs and blood and gore and edge and shit!"
Example 2: "Okay, sure, I can do that. How about 5k for it?"
Example 1: "But I'm poor how about 3k?"
^ this would not be fine. Take it to PMs.

Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
"No surveys is fine"
Why are surveys a problem?

The forums aren't here to do your homework. If you can disguise your survey as something clever like "Boats!" and someone just happens to admit to owning 3 yachts, that's probably fine. However, "Can you please fill out this oddly invasive Google Form for the hope of receiving 10TC?" is not.

Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
"you're being lazy, stop that."
Why are 1 word answers a problem? You can just reply "Can you explain?" if you want someone to explain.


fake edit:
Okay, seriously, one word answers are the epitome of not even trying. Writing even just two words, even if one of them is "fuck" is supporting your answer. If you can't even justify why you're giving a one word answer, I'm not entirely convinced you can justify why it should be allowed as a post. Or, in other words, it's hard to imagine a world where a one word answer (which takes zero effort to post) is a better use of your time than a five word answer or a one word answer that's secretly a link to an FAQ page or something of the sort (which takes a grand total of one effort to post, which isn't much if we're honest), when the latter inherently supports itself much more strongly and takes a grand total of 1 second longer to write on your part.

If you have any reason to expect that someone might reply "why?", which you SHOULD expect in Off Topic, then you should already be answering that question, or you're just actively wasting their time.

The forum is not an instant messaging platform. You have the opportunity to convey your ideas more fully than on, for example, Skype. Please use this opportunity, even if only slightly.

Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
"Is necroposting even bad"
It's not against the rules in this board, so no explanation needed, but if someone who is pro-time limiting threads, can they explain.

We usually argue against necroposting because the original thread context has decayed into nothingness by then, and a lot of the time starting a new thread is better. If your necropost seamlessly and meaningful integrates into the thread despite the difference in time, then it's obviously fine. In something like Technical Support, this is close to impossible, since most issues are fundamentally different, and it messes up our ability to track what issues are or aren't solved if there's a ton of different issues getting shoved into one thread.

Off Topic's a bit of a different situation though, and it should definitely be possible to make decent necroposts. At the same time, there's still some big merits to starting a new thread entirely.

Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
"I'm fine with this, honestly."
Unfortunately most people DONT KNOW, and it isn't explained... Even in this thread there are staff who have no clue.

In general, I'd say that we should just hold a discussion on it and see what we come up with. Having two way communication between everyone on these things helps a lot, but at the moment that'll basically require that we actually decide on what we want Off Topic to be.

Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
TBH that whole "how to make a good thread" post is shit, if there is a more appropriate sub then lmods can move it, if there is an org or existing megathread or if the post is inaccessible someone will say so. Threads shouldn't be so much work to make, especially in OT which is not a srs bsns board.

I don't want OT to turn into a non-srs-bsns board, but I do agree that you shouldn't be held to extremely rigorous standards before posting threads here.

Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
There are dozens of boards on this forum, obviously something that is called "offtopic" is a board that exists only for fun. You are suggesting that people will leave as soon as they see 1 thread they don't like, but you are ignoring that the majority of people come to this board for fun in the first place, not for serious debate and discussion.

IRC has like 5 active users at any given time and everything is buried by the time anyone else comes on, it's obviously not comparable. Skype is clearly not comparable to a forum at all. Do you understand how stupid it is to suggest we just get everyone on the forum on Skype together and make dozens of threads? This is such an absurdly dumb idea that I can't even fathom why you thought to post it.

Fun discussion can be serious discussion. I don't want people to forget that. Too often people seem to get caught up in some kind of "Discussion means I must defend my points to the death however I can!" mentality.

I'd disagree with that sort of thing though. To me, a serious discussion is a discussion that produces insight of some sort. Even if the discussion is "What would change if cats had laser eyes that could melt through steel?", that can be simultaneously fun, ridiculous, but also serious if anyone bothers to reply with anything like "Cat food probably becomes government subsidized" or what have you.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!