Congratz, btw, feel free to post questions here about LoL guys.
I'd be happy to answer them, if you need a guide on a character just type into google, your character followed by the word Mobafire.
So for instance.. heres a guide for my character, Le Blanc

its a good website to find a guide that suits you and your champions play style
What makes LoL better than HoN? I haven't played LoL but HoN is very good.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Originally Posted by deathkicks View Post
Soul some how i can not play till april 7 which is today but it is not letting me play reason why i left a game -_- wtf?

There's a system that ban you if you leave a lot..

Btw, add me. Name's eason5807. XD
Have any questions? Need help? PM me!
ah, nice to see you back around Eason.

btw: @soul: there's still something I can't figure out: what does 'offtank' mean? Read it in some guides, for example with Leona.
Originally Posted by count3rl33 View Post
ah, nice to see you back around Eason.

btw: @soul: there's still something I can't figure out: what does 'offtank' mean? Read it in some guides, for example with Leona.

She's tanky, but she isn't a "Tank" if she isn't built for that role, in other words, she is just a bit bulky and high defense with low damage
hm, okay soul, this explains everything

btw: currently best with Wukong, might buy him but first I gotta try some more heroes.

btw soul, you told me that tryndamere would be good. I tried him in a solo vs bot match and couldnt rly get into that champ, dunno why.
Hon is a lot less confusing

I couldn't help notice that our forum has many many more threads than you guys and you have been around longer. We have 10 pages of threads.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Originally Posted by count3rl33 View Post
ah, nice to see you back around Eason.

I'll be quite active now since my exam's over.
Have any questions? Need help? PM me!
alright, great to hear that eason. and btw: I cant add you cause you seem to play on another server then me (west EU).

@cozza: dunno, first of all I delete every thread that isnt active anymore and scnd: I dont know what kinds of threads we should add