ill take pics After/While im going out with her im not randomly goin to take her pic lol. i might not even post 1 cause thats kind of creepy but innou well see what happens xD
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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Hey if you get her thats great. Then I can't talk shit about you talking shit about me anymore :P and um... the other dude who has never seen a hot chick deal weed. Come to vegas, they are all over the place.
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Shes got a boyfriend :/, And some asshole told everyone i like her, then my Best friend Wont shut the fuck up, Then i remind him that the exact same thing happend/is happening to him, then everyone forgets about me and is giving him shit. but thx to the asshole who totally blew my chances she wont even sell me weed so im going to kick his ass get suspended for a while and play tb in the meantime so see u all alot for prolly the next week
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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wow lol well at least you are active xD sorry bout the news there will be others don't worry
ima crusin for a bruisn
uh no i dont care lol, i got over that, its the her not selling me weed part im going to kick his ass for
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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That sucks donkey nuts. My mom like jacked the computer from me and started deleting all my shit because I'm failing math... so I'm going to have to re-re-re-re-download toribash -_-
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Athens has been banned, ,athens will return in 4 months or so


Cant really do that lol.... have to restrain myself to my country lol Puerto Rico
Hey everyone just letting you know that I am still active... we had to do a lot of changes on the house. I had to move a big ass bed w/ box spring and stuff into the family room, clean out a big room with piles of shit taller than me, and then move the bed back in. I'm also trying to bring my grades up and I just haven't found time to download the game again... oh yeah and the good computer I am usually on is fucked up and when ever I play TB on this slow piece of horse shit the computer freezes. So I will be on as soon as possible, I don't know if anybody won the 20k for the rank up contest but if you did congratulations
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hope to see ya back soon and no, as far as i know the race is still up and itll still take quite a while till one of us will get tha monnee
i made my first vid i am very happy with it
and here is the link to youtube then you should click on watch in i high quality and it looks epic
Last edited by buyakia; Feb 1, 2009 at 05:59 AM.
ima crusin for a bruisn