friday I elbowed my class mate in the stomach then my class mate punched me in the ribs so I say," I eat that!" because I'm use to getting punched then he slapped me in the face then I say," I still eat that" besides the point is that I got my revenge because the class mate threw a book at me
You know what they say

Last edited by ninjaflame; Jun 7, 2010 at 12:10 AM.
Hello Whats up?
The most embarrassing thing I ever got, I believe in 5th grade when my little brother pulls down my pants in front of my class. His class came to visit us so they see our projects. Then he came up to me and just pulled my pants down.
Uh...Worst thing is when i was helping my mom iron the clothes, then i dropped my phone, went to pick it up and the ironer fell broke my hand then sat on my hand until it burnt clean to the bone, then the fucking docters had to make it robotic =[
I'd say the funniest was when I was in elementary school and we had to jump rope during gym. And I was so eager and started to jump rope really fast cause I'm good at it. Before I knew it, my sweatpants had fallen down to my ankles and people were laughing hysterically.
A few years ago my math teacher claimed he could do a backflip. The last day of school he tried doing it...he got around about 3/4 of the way, landed a little short and did a faceplant. I sort of dared him to do it, which is how it applies to me and I'd say it was the funniest and best day I ever had.
Originally Posted by shadowXcor View Post
Uh...Worst thing is when i was helping my mom iron the clothes, then i dropped my phone, went to pick it up and the ironer fell broke my hand then sat on my hand until it burnt clean to the bone, then the fucking docters had to make it robotic =[

I don't mean to sound like a total dickhead, but i doubt that, any normal human being would have the reflex to pull out their hand.

The funniest, would be one time when i was running to the door, and i ended up slipping and dog piss, and my foot slipped and hit the door :< Fucking sucked, hurt for like 2 weeks.
when me and my little cousin were playing tennis and he jumped up and got hit in the groin


You`d usually think youd see 2 or 3 hookers a day. but nyou don`t. thats why we have strip clubs
the funniest thing to happen to me was when i came home from school, and my dog like goes crazy and runs in like a billion circles, well her tail was wagging really hard and it struck me in the nuts, i fell to the floor laughing, but then my stomach hurt o-o
proof of how crazy my dog is, -recorded by me one morning-

When you get caught masturbating, look the person in the eyes and finish like a beast.
funniest thing i can remember was i was at school, and i had bought a bouncy ball with me. me and m friends were playing with it near a wall at break and one of them bouncedit of the wall and hit one of my friends right in the balls xD