I don't know anything about -30 but the cork was pretty legit. Not sure about the aiming on the decap though.
oh yeah
I liked the opener, it was creative and smooth.
I think the decap kick would look better if your foot didnt contract, and if that leg extended a little more.
There was a sudden arm movement/twitch right after the kick, that didn't look very smooth.

Overall, pretty cool. 7.5/10
Very smooth opener.
Same goes with that twirl.
But, when you got done with that kick, it didn't look very smooth.
Also fix the pose a bit.
Replay thread

Just made...

Very nice movement, looked smooth and you kept the speed, but try to make that decap clean, it would be much better.
oh yeah
Really nice movement, you carried the flow very well.

Kick was awkward looking, try and kick a little later, and use your toe so it will send the head flying and you might get a flawless hit.

Pose was fine though.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
I'm thinking of editing from the spin and maybe going lower to get a crotch boom or at least a torso 2-DM.
I liked it man but the bit were you did the splits it didnt look as nice and it ruined the flow but anyway i would say 7/10
Hey guys its presunto

And if your not gonna eat you KFC by your self ill eat it with you :D