Some friends were playing it and they introduced me into it. They got over it in about 2 days but still I'm here.
i found it on apple.com, but i didnt download it cuz it looked lame, but then i saw qq5ben and pooman123 at my school play it and it actually looked cool, so now i like it alot and im 4th dan
Banksta (Reekondub) [Piratez]
I saw a brief article on it a few years back in a PC Gamer (I think it's Windows Gamer now), but it didn't really pique my interest until I got bored in my history class and downloaded it. I didn't join the forums for about a year after that though, because I considered it a purely recreational "casual" game.
I am neither Oyster nor lsl.
Originally Posted by Delaid View Post
Friend of mine linked it to me 'bout almost two years ago, we played for a bit.

He lost interest in a day or so.

I am still here.


same deal.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
i use to play this gay game called boombang and I searched on google Fun onlie games for free I didn't find anything so I tried to search it on Youtube and then I found it on a chain.
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Originally Posted by Mosier View Post
Saw one of Noweb's reaaaaaaaaallllyyyy old POV ray videos. thought it looked interesting so I tried it. I got addicted to messing around in sp ^^

Same as Mos, Was looking at one of nowebs non-toribash related videos on youtube, then I looked at his other stuff.
Looked fun, havent gone a day without playing since.
oh yeah
I googled some thing like "play free games" or "free games to download" in my grandparents house,sadly I did not find out about multiplayer,then.Some years later,I decided to download it on the family computer,where I found out about MP.I must have forgot about it,but then,when I got my own computer,I made a new acc and have been hooked in-game and on the forums ever since.Just reached 4th dan today. <3
"Life has a funny way of throwing wet sponges at our dreams." ~ MoreTh>n Freeman
Why??-cuz i like those kind of games...How??-i was looking of the pictures on google of some games i saw there picture of toribash and a title of this picture was something like "toribash's cool" so i searched about it more on the ineternet and then i download it...