awwww that sucks, everyone says such cool stuff about you and i never really had a chance to meet you in-game, or even had a good discussion with you, hope you can come back to toribash and good luck
Eh thanks guys. Now stop thinking I was important. I wasn't.

Also lynx, you cherish this head because you weren't able to sell it multiple times
and here
and here

Cba to look for more. I gave it away because I thought it was quite worthless. I even told you multiple times.
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Originally Posted by wiirus View Post
Eh thanks guys. Now stop thinking I was important. I wasn't.

Also lynx, you cherish this head because you weren't able to sell it multiple times
and here
and here

Cba to look for more. I gave it away because I thought it was quite worthless. I even told you multiple times.

Lol, yeah something like that I guess. I'm pretty sure I had it for a couple of months before I attempted to sell it, until I realised that what you said was quite true :s
Not many people are looking for Tribal heads these days, they don't sell for much anyway if you do find a buyer. Still one of the best Tribal heads I've come across before.
I just hit a two week fall break. Not sure what that entails...
My kicks will give you U-NO-POO.
Hunters - Trespassers will be pwned.