Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Chapter 9 Part 1 Section 1

"Today is the semi-fianls and the finals!" Jab and Gamer both stepped out and the crowd just went nuts. The offical came out and started the fight. Jab jump kicked Gamer while Gamer grabbed Jab's left arm and jummped back. Jab spoun into Gamer and elbowed Gamer in the chest. They began to fall back down to the ground and Jab soun back out and landed on his hand. Jab then pulled back his left arm and put out his left arm and put out his leg. Gamer came right into right into Jab's foot. Jab pushed down on the ground and jumpped up again, this time leaving Gamer on the ground. While in the air Jab started to do a rolling kick, but Gamer jumpped up and kicked both of Jab's sides, one at a time. Jab started to fall head first to the ground, but saved himself at the last second. Jab felt a small rumble coming from the ground through his hands. It stopped and he jumpped behind Gamer. Gamer began to spin around and Jab punched him right in the face. Gamer hit the ground and Jab walked over to him and helpped him up. "Well Jab gets a shot at first place now and Gamer still has a chance at thrid." "Nice fight even though you didn't win," said Jab. "I thought you had me there with thoughs kicks." Gamer sighed and said "Yeah you too." "Next up will be Buya and Lazer."

Chapter 9 Part 2

"Welcome back from the break. We'll now have the fight for thrid and fourth place then the finals" Gamer, Buya, and the offical moved to the stage. The fight started and Gamer turned about and punched Buya backwards. The monkey started to run at Buya, then jumped into the air. Buya was knocked back once again; this time by Gamer's kick. Arms flew through the air as Gamer began to punch Buya, but Buya blocked the hits. Buya began to peck at Gamer and Gamer put up his arms. Then Gamer tried hitting Buya but missed. Like a fighter jet, Buya took to the skies and began to dive bomb Gamer. On Buya's last run, Gamer grabbed Buya's peak and threw him across the feild. Gamer felt a rumble under his feet. Someone or something big was moving closer. The rumbleing stopped as Gamer flew through the air from one of Buya's kicks. Gamer landed on his feet and ran over to Buya. Then Buya was kicked into the air. Gamer jumped up, kicked both of Buya's sides, then punched him down to the ground. "Well that does it." Buya fell to the ground and Gamer headed over to the side line. "Gamer wins thrid place and Buya gets fourth." Gamer and Buya were both handed their prize money, and the crowd went wild.

Chapter 9 Part 3

Buya walked out on to the feild. Lazer was already standing there, and the offical came out and started the match. Lazer wrapped his tail around Buya before Buya could even do anything. After a few cheaps shots Buya was released and took a second to catch his breath. Lazer jumped at him and smashed his head on Buya's chest, knocking the wind out of his lungs. Buya began to kick at Lazer and Lazer bagan to block. At one point Buya kicked Lazer's head, and Lazer began to fall. Lazer stopped himself and kicked at Buya, but It missed. Buya went in for another kick, but Lazer grabbed Buya's leg and pulled himself up. Out in the crwod a few wovles walked out of the statium; Lazer saw this and chopped at Buya. Buya blew a strong gust of wind from his wings making Lazer drop him. Buya landed on the ground but his leg gave in from his body weight and fell to the ground before he could save himself. "Well Lazer moves on to the finals and Buya gets a chance to score thrid place. We will have those fights after a twenty-five minute break." Buya flew to the side line and watched Lazer run out of the statium.

Chapter 9 Part 4 Section 1

Lazer walked into a dark musty smelling room. he couldn't really see anything. Something touched him on his back, but when he looked to see what it was there was nothing there. A single light was in the middle of the room and under it was a chair. "Welcome, Andrew," said a voice that seemed to come from everywhere. Something touched him again, and before he could react he ws sitting in the chair. "You have something we want," said the voice. "You and your friends are nothing. You think you're so strong, but you're just weak. I could crush you with one finger if I wanted to." Lazer began to get mad. "I'll let you in on a secret. The forest is going to burn tonight and you're going to make it happen." Someone moved into the light. It was Masterj05h and next him was Zygriuxxx. Both of them began to laugh, and Lazer's orb bursted into a red that looked as if it were part of the devil's skin. Masterj05h picked up Lazer and threw him out of the building. Lazer could hear chanting going on, and Masterj05h walked out laughing. The orb floted over to Lazer and dropped into his pack. It turned back to it's normal color. But Lazer didn't change back. Lazer looked different too; past the skin. "If you need help guessing at what we needed from you I'll be glad to share," said Masterj05h. "It was only your self control." Lazer walked back to the finals with an evil look in his eyes. Death filled the air of the forest, and the ground began to rumble as soemthing inside the building wanted out. Something big.
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Holy shit im a super badass evil dude. that story was extra special because im really fucking stonned and i felt like i just lived that story
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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