Originally Posted by Aspire View Post
I was winning in HoN then it crashed. The next thing I know it, we were losing like hell.

happens to me al the time i remeber i was 10 - 0 and then game crash and couldnt get back into the game and got a leave
Oh yeah another to do with COD4!

When I disconnect or reboot or anything like that, I reconnect to a server, it says: "Key Code in use. Try again later". Then I have to wait about 5-7 hours till it realizes I'm not on so yeah... And usually I'm doing really good...

Editing a replay I've been working on (tb ofc), and I just happen to hit space, before I hit E.

Happened many times.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

I was playing MAG for the ps3, and I had a massive amount of XP built up, and it was going to level me at least 3 levels, (multiplayer game only) right at the very end the server crashed. I didnt play MAG again for at least 3 weeks
Ecophilosophical communism... whatever the hell that is... or Psychosolcialism...
Not as much of a crash, as a lag out.

I was playing Modern Warfare, on a 23 pure tactical knife kill streak. Right as I'm about to get my 24th kill, my internet resets and I disconnect from the game.
I would've liked to say I got a nuke from only knifing.
Back in my day...
Diablo 2 LoD Closed Battle Net Hardcore Character filled with skillers.... ofcourse the character died and evrything was gone, no loot, nothing, i dont think anyone can top that :O