Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I donno how to implement it, but fuzzy logic-based stick and carrot always works best.

Only then we'd need (<60-year-)old ex-toribashians who have nothing else to do than wade through loads and loads of mostly indifferent replays and give good criticism in the process. That way the good replays could be collected too.

But then there'd be the problem that came about first with wine, then with movies, and next with everything ever rated out of a maximum: the bar always rises like the turtle retreating into the abyss of decimals, never being reached by the hare that is (or are) here the quality of the replays.

(I'm sure digesting that sentence either induces a brain infarction or the effects of LSD)

if everyone was sensible and used said fuzzy logic, and elaborated a bit, there wouldn't be a problem. If everyone rated two threads for a thread of theirs rated, the only problem would be running out of threads. But the majority of the posters on the replays board is (or, to be exact, was when I last checked) freeriders who post a thread and bump it when it sinks.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Other than this and making an IRC channel I can't see any solutions to the problem.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
To me, the problem is the community. The quality of the average replay put out by the average Toribasher has not increased, contrary to the jump seen in the influx of new members when this game was made free in October of 2007. What has grown is our expectations, at least amongst the commenting members.

While members like NutHug were lauded by this community, members with similar skills were left in the dust, and as a person who happened to be one of those people, we grew dis-encouraged with the replay scene in general. We knew our work would not be appreciated, and the comments we did get would range from either a detailed working as to why it looked or felt the same as other, more successful replay makers, or why it was of lower quality to those members.

The old hold-all styles used by members like noweb became almost taboo, because they did not show fluidity, which now quite literally means that you have to be as fluid as water in order to look good. Relax-all styles were then adopted by most replay-makers, and the so-called madman became less about pure destruction and more about looking good doing it. Running replays fell into these traps too, as the old hold-all way of running now had to look like you were actually running, something fairly difficult with the current engine. As it turned out, what became unique became the same and what was left behind became unique.

The same thing happened in Multi-Player. The Shovel and to a lesser degree the Snap Kick, both are fairly ingenious moves with high degrees of success, except when used against someone who's fairly experienced in countering those type of maneuvers. However, those maneuvers were quickly written by the community as "noobish" when they are both perfectly legal moves. This generally elitism amongst community members was a key factor in my leaving of this game, and probably others as well.
[17:02] <Homer> anyone up for some tb?
01[17:09] <BlackBear> No.
[17:12] <Homer> >.>
[17:13] <Dafe> TB is what killed Doc Holiday.
This makes me think that there ought to be some custom on the replay board, where when someone provides detailed criticism of another's work they in turn would criticize the other's. People who want views would be motivated to review others and see what they're doing. I'm not sure how many people freeride (as Archlurps said) but surely as a community we could encourage people to take part.

Of course, if one thread gets a million posts saying "lol awesome" you couldn't really be blamed for not taking part. But remembering to pass it on when someone puts effort into a post would definitely make the forum more lively.
Need help with anything? Have a question? PM me! I'll try my best to help you.
Originally Posted by suomynona View Post
your useless flaming.

Its not flaming, its an opinion about how people are acting. None of the "great" replay makers before needed a special thread stickied, so why do it now.

Sorry, but I'm sticking to my opinion that this will prove to be more counter productive. Not only do I think it will draw comments away from new peoples replays even more than already happens when someone semi well known posts, but I also think that it will discourage creativity in the replays themselves as people will see what was stickied and try to emulate that as opposed to trying to make something new and creative that is pleasing to them. Not to mention the humongous amount of potential here for this to turn into yet another cool kids club on the forums where only a select subset of people are given stickies.

Its like you are taking the complaints of a few people and applying them to the whole community. Of course a lot of people in this thread are agreeing with it, many of them are replays makers and the chance to get rewarded for it sounds great, but I think the potential for negative outweighs the potential for positive.

Why not just re-work it and integrate the voting section into the main board? To the best of my knowledge we have this whole system in place that nobody uses because it is klunky and separate from the main replays board...Yet there is still a tab for it at the top of the screen. Also maybe advertise replay comps ON the replay board.

The fact is you wont get people to comment more if they don't want to, call them selfish or lazy or w/e, but its just how people are, and its lame that it is making such a commotion, and yes, it is because people are upset because they aren't getting attention, that is the root of this thread and I don't see how pointing that out is somehow flaming. Highvoltage noticed his replay comments had diminished, and he took that as a signal that somehow the system was falling apart, when in reality it was just the normal flow of that particular board. I've done it too, and I stopped making replays for a while because of it. Then I remembered that it is fun to make and share my replays, and I made them anyway, haven't cared much since.

tl;dr...there is no tl;dr, sorry.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Just don't cap the ratings. When I did tournaments before, I didn't cap the ratings on the replays. I think Moltex ended up wining with 102 points or something like that.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by Marco View Post
Take your childish dickhead comments somewhere else. Of course people want comments on replays because they want an outside opinion on how to improve.

Most of the time, people just want to be appreciated, which is where Suomynona's suggestion comes into play.

Oh hey, did I touch a sore nerve there? The quantity of comments in a replay thread i directly related to the quantity of care. The simple truth is that you care about your own 'work' more than anyone else does, and combined with your obviously juvenile attitude you expect attention in return for your efforts. When you make something *really* impressive, it will get noticed and appreciated, but everyone's seen mediocrity before plenty of times, and really cba to comment on it anymore. sorry.

99% of people posting threads on that board aren't interested in being criticised. They want to show off their stuff.

tl;dr ? make better replays and you'll get more attention.
Originally Posted by H4rl3quin View Post
Oh hey, did I touch a sore nerve there? The quantity of comments in a replay thread i directly related to the quantity of care. The simple truth is that you care about your own 'work' more than anyone else does, and combined with your obviously juvenile attitude you expect attention in return for your efforts. When you make something *really* impressive, it will get noticed and appreciated, but everyone's seen mediocrity before plenty of times, and really cba to comment on it anymore. sorry.

99% of people posting threads on that board aren't interested in being criticised. They want to show off their stuff.

tl;dr ? make better replays and you'll get more attention.

Oh yeah, of course! If people just get better at making replays then they'll get more attention! Thanks Einstein.

On another note, I have to agree with Deady here. Stickies for the best replay makers will just draw even more attention away from the more 'average' replays. It can't be helped.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
What I feel we should do is kinda... reward useful comments, but that's such a stupid idea. You shouldn't be rewarded for your opinion. And it would draw a lot of attention just for the reward, not to help.

It's just all complicated. The problem is the laziness, that is naturally rooted in every human, but how to overcome it so people post instead of looking and then get out. I guess people just suck. :P

It's as mentioned before, the group between the popular elite and the newbs that need more comments, people seem prepared to flame an instagib replay at all time, but don't criticise a decent/decent+ replay, unless it's NutHug's or something.

People are rotten..
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash