i would say to take this to PM but i want inferno to see this. first of all hok the only reason you dont like me is because i was going to have avengd kick you. and the reason for that being that you are never active you never post and then you choose to post when your about to be kicked so it sounds like you just want the clan tag on your name and dont really care about the clan. and if i am correct it is 30 posts to even be a member. and how many posts do you have?
<hampa> tree what do you think about the new clan system?
<treestand> Garlic Bread.....Garlic Bread...

Yeah, totally not back to help right here, nah I just came by to sell some crack or something.

Hokou, please stop starting fights. I know you feel wronged and have Ill feelings towards treestand, but this isn't the place to solve them, treestand has been in the clan for a long time, as such, he has a higher ranking than you within the clan. Now that's not to say that you don't have an opinion, that's just to say that he has seniority and has a little more say in things.

I believe you were mad about a kick of recruits or something earlier? If that's the case, it's reasonable to be upset, but if you would like to argue with a member of the clan, go to IRC, Or PM him.

We were denied offical for things like this, and I for one would like it to stop.

If Either of you continue to argue on this DSC, i will not hesitate to take action. Be it a kick or demotion.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Well Said. thank you inferno, i promise you that you will never see me doing this again (the fighting. I must be going to bed soon. if you need me send me a PM. Over And Out. Tree
<hampa> tree what do you think about the new clan system?
<treestand> Garlic Bread.....Garlic Bread...
Im not fighting, Tree made his offer, and im against this, i think this is good place to say this, not PM...
I'd like to tell you now Houku, This is a DSC. As such, it is not meant for Spam/Marketing/Arguing/Flaming/General BS.

It is meant to discuss The Clan's status, and The members of said clan.

I know, you may not get along, That's not my problem. What Is my problem though, is all the Spamming and Arguing. This is Stopping tonight, Right now.
This isn't just meant for you either, Starting now - Anyone Caught Arguing over complete nonsense, Being a Dick to other members, or generally disrupting clan discussion will be instantly demoted. There will be no warning this time. If you get demoted enough to reach Rank 5, You will be kicked. This applies to Everyone but Avengd and I.

And, Houku, If you don't feel like PM'ing him then tell him to Get in IRC in a single PM, and have it out there.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Finnaly something happens to stop all the bull. But anyways im back guys ill be on all night tonight join me please
Hypnohype Warhero of number 1 clan -Ethereal
Welcome back man! I'll join you in maybe an hour or so.

[Atlantic] [Ethr] [Team Australia]

12:18 AM - Sonic: I fucking want a bisexual pride flag cake.
Hey everyone sorry for not being active for a few days, my internet was down, and what is all this fighting about? :<
Just useless fighting, ignore it.

Welcome back
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech