hello Lionet

Pappercut: this replay was pretty meh in my opinion. I enjoyed the opener apart from where you raised the right arm and then immediately lowered it again.
My first big issue is the first kick, non dming kicks can be cool but I feel like this one didnt accomplish anything apart from fucking up your momentum.
the split kick after that was probably the best part.
the replay was decent overall but nothing special imo

Flounce: this one was better imo.
once again I enjoyed the opener and wasnt much of a fan of the not dming kick. It wasnt as bad this time because you kept some momentum after it and moved uke back a tiny bit so it didnt feel as pointless.
The split kick was pretty dank imo but your arm ghosted thru your leg during it.
everything after the split looks okay.

selfspar #1:
This was easily the best out of the 3.
appart from the floppy neck on tori at the start this one was really well done. good job

so I'll vote no because of the first 2 replays, they were not bad but was not special either.

I'll check out your stuff tomorrow crive if I get some time to spare