So anyone wanna face me in game? maybe give me a replay challenge? just asking
Back and black with my caucasian asian BIATCH
Ok wow no one has posted in days i thought i'de post something... so when is team one gonna be in action so i can get replay challenges and all that good stuff
Back and black with my caucasian asian BIATCH
Originally Posted by Movester View Post
Ok wow no one has posted in days i thought i'd post something... so when is ingame crew gonna be in action so i can get replay challenges and all that good stuff

When you post in the respected threads and PM their leaders. Stop posting here, this isn't for casual chat. find the correct thread to post in and post there, pm the leaders to notify them you are ready and you posted, then, when they are ready, they will test you.
Originally Posted by Metriakon View Post
no, you don't get a replay challange until you pass the bg check. and apply for ingame team

youre not part of secret again just yet, i/we can handle it. :3
Last edited by Mystery; Apr 18, 2013 at 05:43 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by nashywan View Post
can i join secret !!! THE AWESOME CLAN!!

Why do you even ask? Just write an application.
I'm sorry Mystery for doing that, I just felt 'It's so obvious, why not to tell him'. I promise I won't do it again.
Originally Posted by Metriakon View Post
I'm sorry Mystery for doing that, I just felt 'It's so obvious, why not to tell him'. I promise I won't do it again.

lol dude I'm not yelling at you or anything, just saying. it's best for a secret member to comment on things required for applying. if he doesn't understand, then that's too bad for him.
Hi Im ilikepie really want to join secret! I have 3 or more blue belt accounts and I am really good at akkido and jousting please tell me if you guys want me to join!