2nd try
ik ill be denied
but its worth a try
Attached Files
[M] Breaking my limits.rpl (381.6 KB, 36 views)
[M] Fanboy.rpl (400.4 KB, 26 views)
[SS] Drago Awake.rpl (985.7 KB, 32 views)
Last edited by Deni; Mar 5, 2017 at 02:37 PM.
Ormo | TANG | Tk | RSO
hi, apparently I'm a recruiter

Breaking my limits:
Opener was pretty neat, a little bit stiff for my taste but the dubble knee was dope.

Something that bugged me a but was the look of your right arm at 580, you extended and contracted the elbow so much in such a short amount of frames.

The following kick at 564 looked a bit weird/weak, I think it would've been better if you didnt contract the knee so fast.

Last kick was a lot better imo

This opener was a lot better and smoother
everything looked really good until 358, that second touch made you lose too much momentum imo.

The rest of the replay looked really good, I just dont think you choose a good place/way to end it.

Drago Awake
This one is my fav for sure
1250 looked a little bit messy and the last kick was a little bit weak imo, pretty good otherwise

for now I'll probably have to roll with a no, you got the basics down for sure and your replays are not bad, you just gotta pracitice a bit more and try to make your replays feel a little bit more orignial
well, i'm in mood of giving my opinion on this, Altough beware that i'm NOT A RECRUITER, so my vote overall doesn't count.

Look at me:
Not sure if it's just me, but being just full static while waiting for the opponent comes is kinda tiring, and in this replay it took quite some time since you putted arms down and just waited for it.
Other thing is the way Uke comes to you, it's totally not smooth in a way. And his right arm seemed stiff until 386, and it keeped during the replay. When Uke jumps and it's just All-Holded it looked pretty bad imo, would be better if in that while you made him do some more fun movements.
After uke touches the ground, yet again it looked non smooth.
For your movement, it seemed you were going for a sweep kick, but end up you were just going for a upkick.
The way uke falls on the ground, and the way you punched him was pretty weird, you punch looked weak as uke didn't do much move on the hit.
But i like the way uke spinned to block his punch, it quite reminds me of Oblivion's selfspar replay.
I think the contracting-extending leg on air(uke) didn't looked cool, also his movement still not so smooth.
also, what was that around 158? you were going for the backwards-spin kick, but the way you did it looked so weird. if you legs were rotating faster in a way it would look better. and the kick looked weak.
But i liked the transition to the pose.
It's all to cover on that replay.

Purple Train:
I don't see much reason to get on your knees and just stand again, i don't know it just looked uneven for me.
That double-kick you did was sick, imo it's the best part of that replay. I recommend to extend knee just for a frame and let relax do the job, extending knee to get on the ground most of time make it looks like a twitch.
Nothing to point out on the cork until you ended it up, Yet again the extend-relax: but this time you hip made it looks weird.
I liked that self-pull transition to the other cork, but the extended abs looked pretty weird for me.
that other trick,wich i don't know the name,i'll reffer to it as one-legged-jump, didn't look bad, but would look better if you jumped with your toes, or if you made it higher.
Nothing wrong with the other cork, just some slight twitches on the elbows up.
The speed you did that other trick(jump with knee, also last trick) was amazing imo. and i don't see nothing bad on it.
End pose was alright, just try to avoid much movement to pose(like trying to put the knee right, instead of just doing it instantly).

more rust:
more rust? this is simply the best of your replays here.
I haven't seen any flaws on it, it's all too smooth and flowing so well. You make the tricks looks so easy here, each transition is put really well.

If all of your replays had the same quality as "more rust", i'd definetly give you my yes, but currently i see much flaws in the overall of you, as some twitches, confusing movement, general stiffness and lack of smoothness. Work on this and you will get there fam. so, for me it's a no.
Drago Awake:
Starting with a punch on the pecs is a good way to start a fight, and it looked cool so this is a positive point in this replay.
the first flaw start at 1336, on the second kick. I think it was pretty unecessary, you could just make uke stand, and it didn't add anything to the replay imo.
another flaw at that....jump, or something. What was your plan on this? you just jumped at made such a messy thing....and your tori seems pretty stiff at falling.
the comeback was okay, but the way uke is all holded here is quite boring. Up to this point, everything started running well, smooth but fast moves(epic), and that man.

This had a really potential opener, wich all the "start-hype" ended around 365: you lost all your momentum. That little jump you did after hitting the legs was quite eww, but the lift worked, and looked well in a way.
Avoid making reverse rotation, Not everytime it looks cool, and it was one of those times: you did it abruptly, and it looked bad. I recommend using power hits to make uke spin, you just slapped his head and it didn't really made much power. And the right hand , could make uke spins more with it....
Altough you were going for a ground decap, it could be better if you manipulated more to make dismembers while on the air. a split could look good in that situation.

Breaking my limits:
Already started wrong: Stiff and weird opener. Also, why of the stiffness at 710?, you could let the foot and knee relaxed, it could avoid all the freeze-scene. You lost your momentum after your hand touch uke.
The double knee were pretty good, but the kick after that could look more powerful if it made joints "fly away". Try to also avoid contracting a knee right after making a kick. it looks pretty weird in most situations.
I must say that the way you come closer to uke looked pretty bad, You could have tried to stand on your feets and at atleast walk a bit, spin, or something. Making dismembers while backwards didn't worked here.

You show potential, the first replay(Dragon Awake) is also my favorite from these three one. But i think you still have alot to improve on, just like stated above. so this is why my vote is currently no, but keep making stuff and you will get there.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592

The very start on the first replay was ok I guess, didnt like the ghosting and how you shoved your head into uke tho.
dms was nice

I wasnt a fan of the second replay tbh.
the third step looked really bad imo, probably because you was building up momentum then just killed all of it.
dms were a lot worse in this replay, kicking with both legs at the same time can look cool but in this case it was just messy.

Same thing in the last replay.
you was building up momentim in the start then you just killed it all.
No idea if it's just me but I dont like when you let uke land on the ground before you dm him in a manip replay, it makes it look like you couldnt keep him in the air and just gave up imo.

anyways, work on building up and keeping your momentum and flow
I'll roll with another no