Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
im too fat for that.

Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
who said the fat was actual fat? 100% muscle scrub. get good

Ahh, much sense:
" im fat "

" the fat is muscle"

Also i just searched fat and wiktionary says smth like fat is unexercised muscles that turned into oily thingiee..

So weoo's actually right

Oh mai

I es unawakened macho
"I never thought I'd test the full power of my ability on a naked girl though"
Yes I am gettinbitchessincefirstdayIsweronmyTBaccount

xGodEnzx da fuq did u sai u lil fukn asian fukn skrub I swer 2 budha il fuckn 1v1 u in tetris u fukn weeab I swer mi katana kollektiun wil be up ur uretha 4 inactivity. Where have you been you sexy cunt?