How much I could get for this head if I sell it now?
Or if I finish it nicely and the same way Clockwork8 has done it?

Artist: Clockwork8
Size: 512x512


Last edited by ikyo_old; Jun 24, 2013 at 10:50 PM.
ikyo: 70k
pwns: idk the price of this full sets
Lict: Full radio ~ 17 - 22k
full noxious ~ 18 - 24k i think
Full bronze ~ 15 - 20k i think
Full pharos ~ 85 - 120k
Full aqua and Marine ~ 11000 each
Full vampire ~ 30 - 40k
Last edited by Zathor; Jun 25, 2013 at 01:53 AM.
My skype: Haymek.transformice
Not even near 70k Zathor! How many heads have you sold?!

I'd say about 15k as it is incomplete, and not one of his bests.

If you did half of it, it would lose value as well.

Maximum price for the complete head, I'd say about 25k.
Originally Posted by ikyo View Post
How much I could get for this head if I sell it now?
Or if I finish it nicely and the same way Clockwork8 has done it?

Artist: Clockwork8
Size: 512x512


Originally Posted by Zathor View Post
ikyo: 70k

I think totally off. There's been some superior head, that one is not one of them (it's fairly good, however) kinda simple, tho.

I'd say 10k easily, 15k normally. If you're lucky 25-30k
Okay, thanks!
I finished it and I would like to know how much I could get now.

Artist: Clockwork8/ikyo

Interfector head

Last edited by ikyo_old; Jun 25, 2013 at 04:35 PM.
Originally Posted by ikyo View Post
Okay, thanks!
I finished it and I would like to know how much I could get now.

Artist: Clockwork8/ikyo

Interfector head

The odd thing is that I liked the old version better. Yeah, it was simple lines but it had some magic to it which it lacks now. So I think price would be the same