Originally Posted by Flame View Post
lol dont be rood to visitors :o

yeah guys
Flame told me to get the fuck in here so i am now the fuck in here
keep backing me up bbu

EDIT: he also told me no cancer jokes
Last edited by iPortal; Feb 25, 2016 at 10:23 PM.
No we allow cancer jokes, just not about me, 'cause I have ass cancer.
Minecraft is full of autistic 8 year olds -Goat 2015
Originally Posted by Alderfox View Post
No we allow cancer jokes, just not about me, 'cause I have ass cancer.

oh boy, well. Flame lied to me, or you're trying to push me out the thread, boy.
Originally Posted by ugotpwned1 View Post
What the fuck is going on?

Flame forced me here and I am here now.
Might apply, might, maybe, might, possibly, perhaps.